Since we last left you at our roof top terrace bar, we went to dinner that night at a great place called My Donkey and Me. We had a great time with our Portuguese waiter, Nelson and we were serenaded to the sounds of "Guantanamero" (or one ton of marijuana as I like to call it).
The next morning we decided to do day excursion to the town of Montserrat (see photos) and getting there was half the fun. You needed to be a rocket scientist to figure out where the R5 track was (across two columns) from the metro and then had to find 2 guys in red to buy your tickets from, only they got the wrong tickets and had to exchange them twice. Once on the train, we changed in Montserrat to a funicular that took us up the mountaintop. Montserrat is a mountain monastery high in the cataluna mountains. Benedictine monks live there for years and the famous Black Madonna is located there (no not THE Madonna with Michael Jackson) a black madonna statue that was originally white but turned black, so the story goes.
We took another funicular higher into the mountains where Rosemary and I hiked for about an hour higher up to St Joan's chapel (see photos). This is when we wished Marsha was here as Rosemary wanted to head off into the wilderness (it was NOT a trail, she insists it was) and I wouldn't let her go and find out after remembering her adventures with Marsha in Hawaii.
While we were in line, we met a bunch of US Military guys who were on R&R from Afghanistan (we didn't ask, they didn't tell - if you get my drift). We took the last train home to Barcelona (isn't that an Al Stewart song?) and then got ready to go out and celebrate Mary Kay's BD.
Found a great restaurant, Les quinze nitz in Rial square where Maggie and I ate the last time we were here. Mary kay had a delicious Duck and Rosemary and I each order grilled John Dory fish, very good.
After dinner, we hit Las Ramblas and found an Irish bar to celebrate MK's BD. Mary Kay was quite happy as she was kissed by an adorable spainish rugby player. That was after she fended off Rambla prostitutes trying to grab some Irish Boys balls from Belfast (what a mouthful). Meanwhile, Rosemary and I met several sweet guys from France who were in the Grand Prix, very friendly.
Rosemary gulped down 3 mojitos like they were slurpys from 7-11; Mary Kay switched from wine to martinis (I was the only smart one who stuck with white wine all night). When we got home Rosemary was bent over from the room spinning. We left her a towel and bucket by the bed and we went fast asleep, I had my handy face mask and ear plugs!!
Next morning (today) we were all dragging a little, but off we went to spend the day looking at everything GAUDI. Did you know that's where the phrase "that's so gaudy?" came from.
Sagrada Familia (yes, Polly that church is still being worked on) scaffolding everywhere. We took an elevator to he top for fantastic views of the city. Then we visited Gaudi's houses that he designed and then ended the day in Park Guell which was also designed by Gaudi. Truly amazing stuff.
We had a great dinner back by our hotel, though the service was pretty bad - the food was great and now it's half past midnight and we have a 6am wake up call to catch an early train to Cordoba in the morning.
We are all worn out but in a good way. You forget how fun Europe is until you get here.
- comments
Shawna Thanks for all the photos and the blog is just so much fun to follow you gals around Spain. What a super idea. Please tell Mary Kay Happy Late Birthday from me. Be well and travel safe. Hugs, Shawna xoxo PS Tell Rosemary I need another Pillow Cover to frame like the one she brought to me from Greece. I love it. xoxo
Sharon leeny Drink up enjoy! i sure am,glad your having fun! This Blog is the best! xxxooo
Pate' well that was worth waiting for! what a great adventure you are all having and a very special bday for MK it sounds like! the views from the Monastery are incredible, keep on rollin'. good thing you kept RR off the unmarked trail, chaces are there weren't any firemen up there to save her!! p.s. just a little bowl would make me happy RR!! but don't hurt your back running to catch the plane LOL
MARSHA Love your comments on the blog Nancy and the pictures are great. Can't wait to see beach pictures...Marsha ps RR how heavy is your shopping bag!!!!!!!!!!!