so nothing new and nothing has exciting has really happened since my last ever so enthralling entry. i am stil working 6 days a week nad loving the work so much i even opted to do a 14hour shift on thursday for the love of the beans!!!
clodagh has left to travelling with her dad but we may see her if she decides she cant keep away from the beautful bowen...lets hope so!
its not long now til we go to airlie beach to do the whitsundays sialing trip....should be good fun....wooo!!! willhave some fab pics am sure just ait and see.
i have not learnt that drinking and going to bed at 2am does not equal a good days work...well i have learnt it but i am not taking any notice at the min!!had a quiz at the hostel last night and our team...which a name i can really repeat...came 2nd!!!woo but unfortunatly no runner up prize!
i would just like to say that there has been a total lack of english goodies hitting these shores so if you would like to make me feel less (or potentially more ) homesick please send me some englishness...even a letter would be lovely but chocolate, yorkshire tea, brown sauce or any other english delicacy would be very much appreciated!!!thanks to all who keep reading my boring life over in aus...i am having such a great time...even with the crap work...i havent had such a good time anywhere.....woooooooooo!!!! photos and updates soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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