Hello people
And firstly happy valentines day and mum i have to apologise now im sure the cards, flowers and chocolates that i keep getting sent were a lot to handle... and dad thanks for sending them haha. One day I'll be loved im sure :P
Still no pictures unfortunatly keep forgetting to upload them but will try our best to add them before we leave Goa on wed. When we left you last time we were about to leave Pushkar for Jaipur, as we were going to get in the car, me with my camel swagger still, A guy turned round to us and pointed at the floor by our feet and shouted Cobra! Char panicked and when she saw he was joking she tried to get him back....unfortunatly Char appears to be abit tim nice but dim in India and pointed and shouted GIANT! I'm pretty sure the guy had no idea what that was and she turned to me with a look of pure disappointment on her face and said "that was all i could think of at the time". I couldnt stop Laughing she comes out with the randomest stuff over here...she tried to explain to the driver who barely understands hello about the lady in the shoe, i turned to her and said i really doubt he has a clue what you're talking about char!! She came out with a blinder the other day, we were sat outside and char was looking up at the stars, she turned to me and said i keep thinking i see bats but then i realise they are birds and its dark! haha She is pure entertainment.
Anyway as imentioned before we were very tired that day so we both fell asleep in the car on the way to jaipur i got woke up bya tapping at the window, expecting it to be char trying to wake me upas we had arrived i opened my eyes to see a little boy asking for money...i jumped out of my skin! The room in Jaipur was nice but very loud im sure we were in staff quarters. The bed also had a bed stead which meant lanky old me had my feet hanging over it..char didnt have that problem obv and proceeded in showing me how much extra oom she had by slowly moving further and further down the bed until her feet touched the wood. Went for dinner and finally there was atmosphere! had beers and a nice dinner and sat watching this ridiculous puppet show which to be honest i could have done better....even my singing would have been better...ok maybe not. But at least play some buble or something!! It started raining (i did not order that with my meal) and we had to run inside, we met two english peeps one named paul who was heading to sri lanka for a holiday and decided to stop over in india for 5 days and a girl called amber who was over travelling india, they were both really lovely so we all sat up till midnight drinking and chatting. We could have stayed all night but it was the boss' sons party so they stopped serving beer...bad times!
On our second day in Jaipur Had french toast for breakfast and a pot of tea each (they do give u funny looks when we order a pot each...probably because its a double pot but hey dont they know what us english are like!) Went to a place called amber fort it was a lovely place, but as we're too cheap to pay for guides we werent entirely sure about the details, very pretty though and saw our first elephant!! however my camera broke so i was not impressed with that! so many elephants around aswell all i wanted was a picture of one. This guy came over to talk to us and ask where we were from and during his speech he...yeah you know i dont even need to write it anymore....i couldnt even make this stuff up! he burped and i had to turn away my whole body ached from laughing! Went to Jal Mahal which is known as water palace and it was incredible to see its a palace half sunk in water. Cute little boy was doing magic tricks...he was amazing move over david blaine....(he put a coin in my ear and it came out of my nose) wow!!Went to city palace and jantra mantra which was there way of telling the time in the 1700's using sun dials, that wasnt all that exciting to be honest. Went to lots of warehouses and was roped into buying another pashmina (half price of the last ones though) also a jewellry warehouse where we refrained! was asked for some of my hair to make jewellery and hel give me a cut of the earnings but i politely declined... he told us he could read our fortunes and when we said no he looked at char and said you've been hurt before...surely u could say that to anyone...i refraiend from saying you'll be hurt right now if u dont shutup! Afterwards we went and bought a notebook from another factory to keep our memories in when our travel journals run out of room, we have to write in every night othwerwise we forget what we have done each day. The man was trying to get us to but presents for home like wall hangings and cushion covers we said we werent buying presents and our family and friends would just be glad to have us home after 6 months... he laughed and said yes for a bit then they will be angry and look for presents...hopefully that wont be the case.... will it? They suggested a dress for our dads didnt like to mention that i'm not sure its his cup of tea.. although maybe he wouldve felt guilty for me buying it for him and worn in anyway...damn it take me back to the shop!! The guy had a really long and curly nail just on his little finger char reckoned it was his picking nose finger it put me right off...well living really!!!
Saw lots of weddings, here it seems to be all about the groom not the bride, not supriseing really after the way women are treated here...although to be fair some of them are so bloody annoying i'd keep them locked inside if i could. We saw a body being carried and lots of people following it Char thought it was the bride going to wedding until driver informed us, "she dead! Going to the fire now! what a lovely way to put it!! Everyone seems to think Chars indian here and im here pale friend....the way they look at me you'd think i was albino!
Gonna try and add Agra chapter in now and then do the lovely Goa later on loves u all and love the messages so keep them coming.... Rach glad to be known as the new Carrie bradshaw at the moment my hair is tha big xx
- comments
christin H aww this made me laugh!! cannot wait to see your little notebook!! you albino?? what on earth would that make me then??? lol, sounds amazing still jealous!! glad your having an amaizng time xxxxx