It was an interesting night in the jungle. I don't think any of the tourists got much sleep, with the hammocks not being comfy, it being quite cold, the noises of the jungle and Elso snoring. I had also been snoring and Shivani had kicked me to make me stop.
We heard lots of sounds that night and we had apparently been visited by a possum too. Either way it started to get light at around 5 and I was awake. I looked around and listened to the bird song as the jungle awoke. Charlie was the first to get up and started the fire again, preparing for breakfast. I got up to help him and attended to the fire while cleaned up the food of last night and put some eggs and coffee on.
Everyone else slowly got up and we all had a breakfast of coffee, boiled eggs, bread, biscuits and brazil nuts. After the strong coffee I needed to go so took some toilet paper and headed onto the jungle. When I came back I used hand sanitiser and we brushed our teeth. It was now time to go so we all helped in packing up the camp. It didn't take long and soon we were ready to leave. We headed down to the boat and all jumped in.
It was a really peaceful morning and the lake was calm. Charlie broke the silence by starting the engine and we headed across the river to a native persons house we were visiting. When we got there we went up to a hut where the family lived. Elso started by showing us round the garden. There where many plants and herbs that gave them food and medicine they needed. We saw some interesting things including coffee plants, acai trees, wild garlic that smelt amazing and various fruits. They also had some turmeric that Shivani ate but shouldn't have as it was bitter and made her hands and teeth yellow. Elso also painted her face with a natural berry.
The lively hood of this family was a cassava plantation and Elso took us round the the plants and showed us the refining process as 80% of it was poisonous. After seeing that we went into the families hut and Elso showed us a few interesting things they had like turtle shells and a massive anaconda skin. We then sat in the hut and Shivani and Bonnie played with the kids. The mother amazingly had 17 children, not all of whom were around. Some of the grandchildren were also there and Shivani messed around with one of the boys. We sat for a while but eventually it was time to go and we headed down to the boat.
The ride back didn't seem that long and we reflected on our Amazon trip as we cruised down past the dolphins. It had been an enjoyable trip and one of my highlights. When we reached the lodge we jumped straight in the shower. It was cold but it felt really good and we both spent ages in there. We then started packing our stuff and decided it was time to get rid of everything we didn't need anymore. We made a bag full of clothes and one which contained books, medicine and our left over rum from new years. We then got a knock saying lunch was being served so we took our stuff down and ate. It was the standard food we had been getting and after we finished we gave Elso the stuff we didn't want anymore. They were pretty happy with it.
We had an hour before our boat was due to leave so we went back to the room and gathered our things before coming to the common room to wait. Bonnie was there and we spent time talking to her before our boat. It wad then 2pm and time to go so we said our goodbyes before boarding the boat. We then took the trip back down the river in a speed boat to our first road transfer. When we got there our taxi was waiting and we got straight in. Rain clouds had started to gather and it looked ominous. It held out till we got to the boat but when we were half way across the rain started and the wind picked up. I was sitting on the side the wind was blowing from and got really wet. Shivani also got wet but luckily the ride wasn't that long. The taxi was waiting for us when we got to the dock so we jumped straight in.
Elso had been kind enough to let us stay in his apartment while we waited for the plane and after a short drive we arrived. Paula said to put our stuff in their bedroom and said we could use their bed too. We were both too knackered to refuse and I pretty much fell asleep straight away. Shivani read her book while I snored.
I got a good couple of hours sleep and when I woke I found Shivani getting a manipedi from Paula, whose hair Shivani had earlier french platted. She had also ordered a pizza which would be our dinner. While I waited I used there laptop, checked my mail and read the news. The pizza soon came and we quickly ate it as we were hungry. Shivani then finished getting her nails done, with Paula doing some nail art. Shivani was tired now so went for a nap before our taxi at 10pm.
The time quickly passed and the taxi came although a little late. We got in and headed to the airport, saying our thanks to Paula. The airport was only half an hour away but half way through the journey we heard and noise and found the tyre had burst. The driver said he could quickly change it and promptly did so on under 10mins, still getting is to the airport on time.
We then checked in and waited for our flight at midnight. We were both tired now and were happy to get onto the plane which happily wasn't that delayed for once. We took our seats and after we took off were served some drinks and snacks. They then turned down the lights and we tried to get some sleep.
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