We were awoken in the morning by really heavy rainfall. It sounded like a monsoon we could hear it hammering against the roof and windows. We were supposed to go jungle trekking today but there was no way we were going out in this. We went back to sleep and waited for the rain to stop.
When it did we got ready and went for breakfast. We saw Elso there and he suggested we go out fishing in the canoe instead and maybe go trekking in the afternoon. We had breakfast which consisted of fruit, bread, eggs and a couple of local breads made from tapioca and cassava. They weren't that nice but I had a couple of egg sandwiches to fill me up.
We then went and got ready and headed down to the canoe. It had happily stopped raining so we felt better about going out. We headed off down the river and then turned into one of the canals. We drove down through the trees seeing a few birds and hearing a couple of caimen rustling in the reeds. The jungle was was closer to us and this felt like a proper experience.
We headed down for quite a while until we found a good spot to put out the net. Elso then laid it across the river, although as we unravelled it realised it had a lot of holes. We left it anyway and took a short paddle through the reeds in search of some more wildlife. We didn't find anything do came back to the net. Elso reeled it in and we found one small fish inside. He threw it in the boat and it jumped about near our feet.
We then started paddling back as Elso looked for sloths. He eventually found one in a tree but Shivani and I couldn't see it. He brought the boat closer to the tree but we still couldn't see it. He then got out of the boat and proceeded to climb the tree, Shivanis camera in hand, to get a picture. He climbed up pretty high and cut away some branches until we eventually saw it. It was a small blob to us and we had no idea how he spotted it from the boat.
We then paddled on seeing some more birds, a rare blue moth and another sloth. I had a go paddling to before we turned the motor on and headed back to the lodge. Getting out onto the main river we found we had been bitten some more and I now had a few big marks.
When we got back it was time for lunch, where I got to eat the piranha we caught yesterday and Shivani got some more potatoes. The piranha wasnt very meaty but tasted okay. We filled ourselves up before going back to the room to chill. I had a little sleep and Shivani read her book.
At 3pm Elso knocked on our door and told us we would leave in 10mins. We put on all our long gear to cover up as much as possible and headed to the boat. There we set off down the river, spotting a couple of sloths on the way. We went down the river for about 15 mins before we pulled up on the bank, and scared a big caimen into the water. We then all disembarked and followed Elso in the forest.
We were pretty much immediately attacked by mosquitos which followed us around the rest of our journey. We walked around the jungle and Elso said he was looking for a boa. It was pretty humid and the mosquitos made it uncomfortable too. We reached a stream that I had to jump and Shivani cross by log that was a bit scary too.
We didn't see much, except a couple of monkeys before we turned back and Elso gave me the machette to lead us out. It was pretty difficult but there was a faint path. At a certain point we came to thick bush. We were only a few metres from the water and Elso hacked through it and we followed him. I got caught on the nettles but managed to get through. We had not come out near the boat and John set off to get it as the path wasn't so easy to get there.
After a few minutes John came back, we boarded the boat and made our way to the lodge. We saw some more monkeys and sloths before we got back. The sun was just setting and we sat on the veranda and had a couple of beers before it got dark. We then came back to the room and chilled while we waited for dinner.
We didn't have to wait long and when we came down we found a group round the BBQ and our food on the table. Shivani had potatoes and salad again and I ate some sausage, chicken and rice. While we were eating one of the girls commented on Shivanis plat and asked her how to do it. Shivani said she would do it for her and after eating set up a chair and platted the girls hair. It was funny as all the other girls gathered round to see how to do it.
After Elso said it was time to go and we got our things and headed to the boat. It was really dark now and we were going to spear fish by torch light. We turned into one of the little canals and made our way along. It was pitch black and you could see lots of stars in the sky. The canal was scary as there was only a small torch light and all you could hear we're the sounds of the jungle. We went really far down and Elso gave me the spear to fish. My first attempt was feeble and the rest weren't better as I missed about 10 opportunities. Elso showed me how it was done and easily speared a couple. I took my picture with one and you could see how sharp the spear was as it pretty much took off the fishes head.
We then headed back and I felt s*** as I hadn't caught one, even if it was hard. It was 10pm when we came back and we decided to go to bed. Elso said he would wake us if there was a good sunrise tomorrow, otherwise we could sleep and would hike on the highlands in the morning and then go to the jungle in the afternoon to spend the night. That was going to be an interesting experience and we looked forward to it with a bit of trepidation.
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