Had good sleep and eventually woke up about 11 30! Must have needed it. Got up and headed out to the old town. Had a wander around and realised I'd seen most of it in my hunt for a laundry yesterday. Got some lunch and also got very lost. Really bad maps here, have wrong road names or none! found way back to hostel and opted for the beach. Found the bus stop with limited spanish picked up so far. chatted to some americans on the bus who invited me to join them on the beach but was wanting to crash out so declined. Treated myself to a lounger (less sandy) and read book for a couple of hours. About 4 30 went and had a look around a market near the beach full of tourist tack so left and found bus stop back to town. Think there must be an Everton match on today as many scousers being loud around the town. Not being threatening at all so found it quite amusing. Came back to hostel and had quick shower. Shower not too great here so only having quick ones. Headed out to the shops. didn't find much I liked, only seemed to have several El Corte Ingles which aren't that great for poor people like me. Headed out for dinner about 7 and went to get pasta. Was sat at table and given menu only to be told that the kitchen didn't open til 8 when I tried to order! Could order a lasagne for some reason tho so did that and was very nice. Paid up and came to use net. Had a short wander around the town before going back to hostel and to bed.
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