Jessica in Europe!
Bus at 8. Boarded with Bobby and had debate of lesser of two evils. Prefer double seat but chance Scott may sit there or sit with Bobby and risk him sitting in front. Sat on my own in the end and sat in aisle seat, as did most people. Sounds really mean unless you know him. Arrived in Cesky about 11 30 in the pouring rain, great! Got a room with Meagan and another girl. hit lucky with 3 bed room. Hostel great again. old building with wooden rickety old staircase, glad I'm not upstairs! Went for walk in to town with Meagan, beautiful place but too wet so came back. Watched some sky news on London bombs and then ended up sleeping til 7! Went for dinner with Meagan and watched more tv, chatted and met more people. Bed at midnight.
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