It's been a while! I have not been up to too much these past weeks. I am currently enjoying two weeks off for the christmas holidays and new years, which has been very nice. I have really just been lazying around a bit, enjoying the steaming weather. Christmas and New Years have come and gone without much fuss. Its hard to get into the christmas spirit when its hot outside. Also, christmas doesnt seem to be as big of a family thing here as it is back home, lots of people just have barbecues at the beach with friends. It was a bit lonely being without family or a tree, but i went to the beach with friends and had fun.
I have also uploaded some new photos. The first few are from Summit bar, a revolving bar/restaurant at the top of the sky scraper in sydney. It had some pretty incredible views (as you can tell!). I am having some issues figuring out how to use my camera for nightshots, which explains the fuzziness of some of my photos. The other photos are from new years, which was very relaxed. I went to a park that had a great view of the harbous bridge. I got some good shots of the kiddie fireworks, and the last photos are of the real deal at midnight. I was more interested in watching those than capturing them on film so I didnt go as camera crazy.
I hope you enjoy all the photos! I am off to meet with a friend for dinner, but i promise I will be returning to blog again soon!
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