So if you haven't noticed yet...I'm in Melbourne!!! I had been thinking about moving to a different city to work in after new years, and a friend, Rob, from work was heading down to Melbourne so I decided that now would be to a good time to start somewhere new. We used GumTree (the Craig's list of Australia) to find a lift down there. Two women ended up contacting Rob two days ago saying they were heading down the next day and could take us along for $35 bucks each. It sounded pretty good so we agreed and the women said they would come pick us up at my place in Annandale at 9 am the next morning. I was a bit shocked when I opened my door the next day to find two deaf women standing there. It ended up being a bit of a strange ride...there was a lot of grunting during the 10 hour journey, and we still haven't decided whether its safe to drive and carry on a conversation when you have to use two hands for both....anyway, the older women turned out to be pretty interesting. She has backpacked all over the world and even helped set us up at the hostel we are currently staying at. The hostel is actually amazing. Compared to surfside backpackers in Bondi, this place is a palace!
Hit is bit of a bump this morning when I dropped my phone in the sink...i don't think its coping very well. Don't worry dad, its my australian phone not my american one!it is currently drying out in the sun....
Today we are going to try and figure out what we are going to do here. Maybe farm work? Maybe not? We will see...
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