Well today is my secdon day i Ireland. The sky are not as blue as they were yesterday so i am now hoping the weather will stay nice for my run. Today after over sleeping by a mere 4 hours I finally rolled out of my bed and well.....felt like crap. I was not a happy camper but I figured it was just travelers sickness. I just stayed near my hostel and took it easy and ate some food. Thanks to my marathon sleep i knew my blood sugar was out of whack! Once I started to feel better I took off to see more of the city and call my mom to find out about the fires. I am glad to hear things are getting better. Well as good as they can get. I meet some American girls who are backpacking Euro and we hung out and went to go get something to eat. I found a Kaba shop. Ohhhh how I have missed these since being in AUS. Oh they are heaven. Its hard to tell you what they are but i just know they are sooo good. I then set out to find Trinity College since they needed to go check in an shower i went by myself. I made my way through the streets and ran smack into it. WOW what a BEAUTIFUlL college. I fit right since i was wearing a backpack and people tried to ask me for directions. I also heard a lot of Americans talking so I went to ask them a few things. Come to find out they have an amazing program for American students...hummm i wonder why i never knew this! I took tons of pictures and then looked around me and saw about another million people doing the same thing and the poor students trying to get around us and get to their classes. Thats when i stopped. lol
I also found a Mackers as they call it here. But I refuse to eat there when I am in another country. I have yet to see a Starbucks. lol. I would have to give up that fight and go get me a frap.
Well thanks to my long walking tour through Ireland I have learned the following things.
1. don't give to the old women beggers. I did and then i swear later in the afternoon I saw her get into a taxi with tons a shopping bags. lesson learned
2. Sex ed programs must not being good here. Every girl under the old age of about 20 is pushing a baby bugging.
3.DO NOT i repeat DO NOT cross the streets just because every one else is, it is not safe.
4 DO NOT cross the street just because the little walking man is flashing green.
5. And also do not cross just because a cop is standing there waving you through.
6.Thanks to 3-5 you can see that crossing the street is a hit or miss thing around really it is.
7.The buses drive like they are sports cars down old coble roads so be sure you do not stand to close to the road on the side walk.
8. Also said buses break down ALL THE TIME. I have seen just 6 of them today and they are i no hurry to fix them selfs. I think it is odd they seem to break down right in front of bars....hummmm odd.
9. Due to 3-8 you should really just walk around dublin but don't think you are safe just because.
10. Drunk Irish man no matter what their age or time of day love America women. So don't talk to them unless you have too!
So far i am having a blast and I love this city. I am going to go back to my hoste and see if anyone is goig out tonight. I have yet to see the city at night and i know it's not that safe so I would like to go out with a group.I hope you are all doing well.
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