Running into Ireland
About Katlyn
October 29th has been a date that has been in my head and lingering in my future for the last 5 months. And here it was. It hit me the morning of like the batmoblie going at full speed and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. I have been looking towards this date for so long and I knew no matter how long it took me to finish the marathon it…
Welcome friends and family! As most of you know I am training to run my very first marathon! I will be running in Dublin, Ireland. I am leaving a few days before my team gets here so follow me along on this adventure.
I am running my marathon with a program called Team in Training, or TNT for short. I had to raise almost $7000 to get here and it sure has been a bumpy road but so worth it. I am setting out to Ireland to have and amazing time and another life adventure. One of these…
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Dublin, Ireland

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Dublin, Ireland
October 29th has been a date that has been in my head and lingering in my future for the last 5 months. And here it was. It hit me the morning of like the batmoblie going at full speed and I w…

New blog entry posted
Dublin, Ireland
We woke up this morning and had to get ready to go to the breakfast run. It is a morning run the marathon puts on so that the runners can get to know each other and have a good time. I was not…

New blog entry posted
Dublin, Ireland
I made my way to the train station with my backpack full of snacks and lunch. It was a 3 hour ride to Cork from Dublin. I had booked my seat and found one with no one next to me so I was able …

New blog entry posted
Dublin, Ireland
After getting all checked out of my hostel and walking the good 4 miles walk to my hotel I checked my luggage. As I was getting my tag a woman saw my toe tag (the affectionate name us TNT'ers …
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