Millotts Trecking
Guten Morgen
I've arrived safely and sound in Kassel (Nieste) and having an absolute ball. It is as if I never left the family we - I cant believe its been more than 5 years since I have left!
Birgit (Mum) picked me up from the station and we drove to see Benny at work. Then we came home and slowly I unpacked and got ready for the next 4 weeks, where I will be here (except for weekends).
Today for once it is snowing but it is raining ... but at least for now the temperature is above 0°.
Well will wrap it up hear, I love to keep writing but so much to do today... like relaxing lol. Nah have to go into Kassel and buy my Fahrschein (transport ticket).
Bis nächstes mal (until next time) - B!
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