After 11hrs 45mins of fighting to get comfy on the seats and have a sleep we finally got 15 minutes and were rudely awoken by the driver bellowing HOI AN! What a lovely way to wake us at 6am. It was a lovely and cool morning, most of the locals were up and ready to face a new day, we had to find a room so we set off to explore the streets.All we co9uld find was $20 hotels, way out of our budget so it took us an hour to locate a $9 but the room was not ready for a further hour.
After a much needed rest we set off to see Hoi An, which isa town tightly packed together full of narrow cobbled alleyways and streets, full of tailors, coffee and cake shops and the occasional Chinese temple. Probably one of the best looking towns we've visited?so far! Every building takes you back to French Colonial times with wooden venation shuttered windows and sun bleached walls with crumbling aged plaster. It was clear to us that the locals are proud of their heritage as every house was topped off with window boxes proudly displaying colour upon colour of flowers. With all of this comes the madness of the hustle and bustle of motorbikes, cars and peddle bikes with street vendors selling anything and everything from tiger balm to sugar coated peanuts and tailors trying to lure you in for a suit!
Our first day we were actually taken in by one of the shops and measure every which way for a perfect fit, Aaron opted for a 3 piece suit with shirt and tee and also a woolen jacket for the winter, I went for a dress and a fitted jacket! The rest of the day was spent exploring and sampling the coffee and cakes (were nearly as bad as Jean in Sayers)The second day we opted for bicycles and battled with the ad traffic, we are getting the hang of now, its just a case of closing your eyes and going for it and hoping that the motorbike coming for you will stop, they usually do! We ventured over to the 'new' part which is just over a little bridge, this place was away from the hectic'ness of Hoi An and it was truly something out of 'the Truman show' and this was the place that they really made the suits we had ordered! So apart from some really good pictures?it was off to Hue for a whistle stop tour!
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