Woo hoo no more souveneir shops, we finished the magic bus mission.
Our last stop in Christchurch a city that is famous for being like England apparently, to be fair it was very cute had a nice Cathedral and town centre it even had punters on the river, just like we have on the leeds to liverpool canal. Christchurch was very arty so we strolled round the town looking at some cool photos and paintings and crafty type markets. And just relaxed and reminised over the last six weeks... can you tell we were skint here and had nothing to do.
Other points of interest, we encounterd our worst room-mates ever, Jac stopped a Asian girl from making a ass out of herself by stopping her from walking round town with her skirt tucked in her knickers, oh and there is some very obvious prostitution going on in this small town.
Next day we picked up our relocation camper which was free... sweet ( i had to get that in, its the last NZ blog and all kiwi´s say sweet) and headed for picton to get the ferry to the north island. En route we passed through Kaikoura which is famous for swimming with dolphins, we got to see a school of them swimming off shore; and Cloudy Bay winery which is famous for being in Grans pub quiz.
After a night in Picton we were on the ferry and then heading for Napier which is apperantly the art deco capital of the world, this was after a earthquake hit in the 1920´s so they rebuilt everything art deco stylee. We didnt get to see much after arriving really late and leaving really early in order to catch our flight in Auckland. The only thing of any note is that we got to the campsite late and had to doss in the carpark leaving early so we didnt get caught, this meant that we had to use the shower in the van which was well posh, Sweet! (sorry i´ll stop that).
Another van rented out and no drama´s we are getting good at this XXX
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