This morning I woke up..... and I place emphasis on the word WOKE. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I was lucky enough to sleep like a log last night!!!
I think it helped that the ship motor, which according to the sound that could be heard from my cabin is equivalent to a jumbo jet engine, was not operating last night!! Could also be the fact that 3 nights of hardly any sleep may have led me to be so exhausted that I could have slept through a cyclone.... Either way it was pure bliss to wake up well rested.
After a quick shower, I finished popping the last if my belongings in to their corresponding bags!! I put all of the bag tags that the boat crew had left for me on my big case, and then placed my bag outside my door, ready for the boat crew to transfer it directly to the airport!! I'm so glad that I didn't have to transfer my big bag on to a zodiac this morning, as the probability that my bag would be currently sitting on the ocean floor right now would be huge!! Either that or I would be in the water!!! I really don't have sea legs!!!
After breakfast, we collected our cabin bags from our rooms and retired to the top deck. This morning we were to circumnavigate Daphne Island.
The ship raised it's anchor, and then set sail. Thank goodness the weather was blue skies, and was actually quite warm in the sun. However, more to the point the sea was calm, making for smooth sailing!!
There was a general feeling at the breakfast table that the circumnavigation expedition this morning was more of a taste of what we would be missing. Wouldn't it have been nice just to be able to head out to the island and walk around one last time. That was until we actually saw Daphne Island. Essentially it was an extinct volcano, with not so much as a tree on it. There was a single pathway up to the crater, which to me didn't look fun or enjoyable.... It just looked like a lot of sweat, tears and a hell of a lot of hard work. Nope, I'm more than happy here on my sun chair cruising round this island. I'm not getting the feeling that I'm missing out on too much!!!
As we sailed across the brilliant blue/green water, it was so nice to see frigate birds soaring above the boat. You could see their red throats as they flew up to the boat, then gently glided way up above us, as if they were checking us out, just as much as we were photographing them!!!
We could see off into the distance, the distinct crater of Daphne Island. Not surprising that the island was created by a volcano eruption!!! As we neared the island, you could see that it was made up of volcanic rock. Along the coastline, the continual battering of waves had eroded the rocks, giving Daphne it's unique shape.... Which was more like a UFO or a mushroom!!!
We could see many different types of birds flying above, all calling Daphne home. However the boat wasn't able to get us close enough to really see any activity on the island.
We sailed back to the coast line of Baltra Island, and it was time to say good bye to our ship and to the Galápagos. The boobie group was the last group to disembark the ship.... So we all just stood on the deck and watched things unfold. We saw the zodiacs having a race back to the boat, having just dropped our luggage off at the airport. Slowly, each group was called, and we saw the people with their life jackets on, climbing aboard the zodiacs. Boat after boat left, until the call went out.... 'Boobies please report to the embarkment area'. Looking around the ship it seemed so quiet and empty now that everyone had left. As we walked down the stairs, you could see the crew madly trying to prepare the ship for the next influx of passengers, arriving on the same plane that we were leaving on. Such a tight turn around.
Life jackets on, and for the last time we boarded our zodiac. The ride across to the Baltra Pier was calm and enjoyable in the sun. I think we all just wanted to take this last zodiac ride in... after this it was time to say a very sad farewell to the Galápagos.
We were helped up on to the pier for the final time. I'm proud to say that the entire ship went incident free with regards to embarking and disembarking the zodiacs.... No men or women over board. We all said our farewells to Fatima our guide. We were so lucky to have her as our guide.... she was proud of her home, the Galápagos, and was passionate about its conservation. Not to mention, when you look at Captain k*** there is definitely no comparison!!! We had hit the jackpot!!
We grabbed our cabin bags and slowly made our way up the gangway. Taking in the last of the Galápagos sealions sunning themselves on the pier.
We waited patiently for the bus to return, all reminiscing about the fun that we had all had on the islands.
The bus arrived, and drove us the quick 2 mins to the airport. Once we arrived, we all stood at the entry way, waiting for our names to be called, so that we could collect our passports, immigration paperwork and our boarding passes for our outward flight.
Passport, paperwork and ticket in hand, we all grabbed our cabin bags and made our way into the airport. There were plenty of souvenir shops.... However as my bag is at capacity, and still having quite a few more countries to visit I tried to steer clear. Instead I went down to the cafeteria and waited with Michael and Toni, whilst the others checked out all of the stores.
The doors to the boarding gates soon opened, and we filed our way through immigration and security.
We saw our plane arrive, and watched as the eager passengers all disembarked the plane, obviously excited about their up and coming Galápagos cruise. It seems so long ago that we were in their situation.
Finally it was time to board the plane. I was sitting next to one of the Spanish speaking couples from the ship, so safe to say that the conversation wasn't that thrilling!! In fact, it was non-existent.... Which was fine by me, as I was happy to see an inbuilt flight entertainment system in the back of the head rest in front of me!!! The first one I've had on all of the flights here in Central and South America.
I couldn't even wait for the airline headphones to be delivered, no, I dug straight into my cabin bag and pulled out my own set. Earphones in, I started playing around with the screen.... What can I watch!!! I was so rudely interrupted by the safety message in the screen though, but soon it returned to the menu screen where I had quite a few TV series to choose from.
I happily watched an episode of Downton Abbey... Not that I watch it at home... Nor do I know what the hell is going on, but I quite enjoyed it anyway!! I enjoyed it even more when my cheese platter arrived. It was so much more enjoyable than the normal stale ham and cheese roll they usually dish up.
After my episode of Downton Abbey finished, my attention moved to Modern Family. I managed to watch an episode that I hadn't seen before, which was a bonus.
Thanks to the inflight entertainment system, I was surprised to find that the cabin crew were preparing for touch down. The plane landed, and it was time to say hello to Guayquil.
As we walked off the plane, I was quick to realise that the weather was quite warm. Hmmmmm, I don't think I really need this baby angora woollen scarf on right now!!! However with bags to retrieve off the carousel, taking my scarf off would have to wait.
We walked towards the baggage claim area, to be greeted by the most remarkable orchid garden. The orchids were in full bloom, with the most amazing variety and colours displayed. Even more remarkable was the perfect stone water feature, providing the perfect backdrop for these orchids, and really allowing their colourful bloom to pop!! The huge koi fish happily swam in the pool below this garden.... if this is any indication of what Guayquil is like, I'm going to love this city!!!
After we collected our bags, we made our way out to meet our guide who was transferring us from the airport to our hotel. First impressions are good, she has at least counted to make sure that everyone is present before moving out to the bus, and she can count to 9.
We boarded the bus.... and it was off to Guayquil we go. The guide started going through the transfer times for all of our return transfers to the airport. It was fairly easy.... Or so I thought.
8 of the 9 passengers were all on the same flight tomorrow. I, on the other hand had an additional couple of days here in Guayquil. The guide was so confused.... She obviously hadn't read the information given to her, as she was asking who of the passengers were flying to Lima.... Hmmmm no one. Then she gave them all the wrong time. Then the breakfast times at the hotel were all mixed up. Eventually the guide read her sheet and sorted it out. 8 passengers to be picked up tomorrow at 7am.... Heading to Santiago. Ok check.
Then it was my turn. The guide said that she would pick me up at 8.30am. Yep that's fine. So then I confirmed the details with her.... 'So you will pick me up at 8.30 on the 9th of October'????? The guide then starts saying 'oh, you mean your not flying tomorrow'?. Ummm no. This guide isn't really installing a lot of confidence in me right now. So I reconfirmed with her again.... 'I'm flying to Colombia on the 9th', so she checks her bit of paper, and what do you know, all the details are there in black and white. I looked at some of the other guys, cringing. Please let her turn up!?!?!?
For the remainder of the bus trip, the guide talked to us about Guayquil, and gave us some hints and tips for some things that we should do whilst in town. She also gave us a recommendation for a nice steak and seafood restaurant for dinner.
We arrived at the hotel, receiving our room cards. We made rough arrangements to go for a walk down to the course way that runs along the river, and then headed to our rooms. The hotel was gorgeous. Another 5 star hotel!! I checked out my room.... and was so surprised to find a message on top of the minibar advising that 'everything in the bar fridge was complimentary. Please help yourself'. I mean it was stocked with soft drink and mineral water, no alcohol, but still I was super stoked with that!!! It's better than a poke in the eye with a pointy stick, that's for sure!!!
I quickly changed my longer sleeve top, for a singlet top, and removed my woollen scarf for my afternoon activities. It was then time to explore.
We gathered the troops, with a notable absent member, Rob. Apparently he wasn't feeling too good, round two of the head cold virus that just keeps giving!!!
So we all headed off. We came across a few ATMs, and considering the trouble we had on Santa Cruz Island, we all went in to get cashed up!!! Success, the ATMs were paying out today!!! We had hit the jackpot.... Although it was all with our own money of course.
We then continued on our way, down to the courseway. We had been told that it was about 15 blocks.... However the blocks are fairly small. We could walk it no probs.
I had asked the guide in the bus if it would be safe for a solo female to walk around the city on her own, and the guide said yes. I can now see why. Every 2 metres, there was a police officer. Not to mention at every intersection there was a traffic cop. Yeah, I'm thinking in pretty safe here.
After walking about 4 or 5 blocks down the road, we came across a beautiful little park. There were lots of stone bench seats, that were occupied by the cities population of retired folk. You could see them there, animatedly talking, others playfully arguing with each other. Although, it would be easy to miss seeing this if you were easily distracted by the people selling water. It was just a constant droning of the word Agua - Spanish for water. It just sounded like someone was constantly whining.... Which was pretty annoying!!!
There was a huge monument in the middle of the park.... It towered high up in the sky. We all looked at it.... and then continued on our way. We had a courseway to get to!!!
Just past the park, continuing down the same road as our hotel was on, we came to a section of the street that was lined with people selling stuff. I mean they sold everything from goldfish, to home made sweets, through to lotto tickets. You name it, you could probably buy it. Even the stores sold everything..... Electrical shops that sold motorbikes, now I've seen it all!!
We walked block after block, navigating the street crossings quite well. The secret, hang with some locals..... When they cross, you cross too. Although, that didn't work once, a majority of our group crossed the road with the locals.... Only having to run the last couple of metres to avoid the on-coming traffic. The remainder of the group held up on the other side of the road.... Stopped in their tracks by the single 'do not cross or I will shoot' glances that the traffic police threw in their direction.
We again were together and continued on our way. Eventually we had made it... We saw another large monument, and knew straight away that this was what we were looking for.
The area was called Malecon 2000. It was marvellous!! It was clean, and had been designed and developed by someone very very clever.
The first thing we saw was lots of little shade tents set up. On closer inspection, underneath each of the tents was an artist madly creating their next masterpiece. From the signage on each if the tents, it appeared that they were art students.... But it seemed like the perfect location to be inspired to paint masterpieces. The work was actually really good.
The first decision.... which way to go??? Left or right??? We decided to go left.
We walked all of about 10m, and were stopped by the first ice-cream stand that we saw. It was actually really warm, so an ice-cream was exactly what we were all after.
So it was the weirdest system ever.... There was a stand, with one guy in it. He would take an order, collect the money, and then give that person a ticket, and directed them to the other side of the stand. He then repeated that process with about 5 customers. He then stopped taking orders, alcohol gelled his hands (I was so impressed by his hand hygiene), and then turned to the other side of the stand, where he grabbed the customers ticket and started rolling ice-cream into large balls and sticking them on to cones. It was a long, drawn out process, but in the end we all ended up with our very delicious ice-cream.
We then continued our way along the waterfront walk way. There were so many kids around... We soon came to the conclusion that it must be school holidays.
However, we could see why the parents were bringing their kids to Malecon. It was so well designed for kids. There were play grounds, with all different types of play equipment there. The kids were madly running around, playing and jumping on all of the equipment, all with smiles on their faces. Further down, there was a permanent kids carnival set up. It had a beautiful horse carousel, with kids being gently raised up and down, and a jungle train filled with children enjoying their ride around one of the beautiful green tree lined parks that had been planted along the walkway.
There was a popcorn stand.... That you could smell from a mile away!!! God, freshly cooked popcorn smells good!!!
Everywhere we looked there was a new and exciting view before us. The river, flowed quite quickly past us, in the distance we could see some bridges carrying cars from one side of the river to the other. On the city side of the walkway, were parks, and gardens, and ponds, and fountains, there was just so much here. There was really something for everyone. Most of the group had decided to turn around and head back to the hotel, however I had spotted a wooden boardwalk on the other side of a park/garden. I was keen to explore. Somehow I had managed to con Michael into walking with me. To get on to the boardwalk, we actually had to walk an additional couple of hundred more metres along the course way. We then found our entry point. It didn't take long to realise that this boardwalk was actually taking us through a botanical garden. There were all different types of gardens... Cactus, Japanese (with koi fish pond and all), there were tropical flowers and water features, it was actually quite beautiful to walk through.
We eventually made it back to where we had started our Malecon experience, and met up with our group. We walked back to the hotel, again dodging the traffic, both car and pedestrian traffic that is.
On the way back to the hotel, the locals were very proud to explain to us that there is a lot of celebrations going on at the moment, as the 9th October is Guayquil Federation day. That goes a long way to explaining why we had seen a whole stack of black and white faced mime artists being driven around in the back of a police pickup ute!!!
We arrived back at the hotel, and thought it best practice to see if the concierge would be able to help us with making a reservation for this fancy restaurant tonight. The lady behind the desk was more than willing to help, and we happily returned to our rooms.
I managed to finish all of my washing, and get ready for dinner.
I made my way down to the lobby to meet everyone for our final dinner, to be greeted by only 4 other people. Unfortunately, 3 of the other 4 people had fallen I'll.... and the other person went out on sympathy for their room mate.
So we confirmed that our table had been booked, and asked the concierge staff if they would be as so kind to change the booking from 9 to 5, explaining the situation.
We walked up to the restaurant.... it was a really warm night. I so didn't need to bring my cardigan tonight. But it was nice to be out and enjoying the night in this beautiful city.
We arrived at the restaurant, and were greeted by a waiter opening the door for us. We were the first people in the restaurant, and were quickly shown to our table.
It had a nice atmosphere, and the menu had a large selection of steak and seafood options. We all picked out a soup and a main.
The food was brought out, and we all enjoyed our very delicious food. The company was great.... However it was also touched with a little sadness for me, especially knowing that this was the last time I would be sitting down to a lovely meal with my beautiful friends on this trip!!!
With dinner over, we walked back to the hotel. The night was still not over for some of us though. We still had a free welcome drink to be enjoyed. So Jan, Ken, Toni and I all went it the Captain's Bar at the hotel and enjoyed our free house cocktail. We chatted for a while, and then decided to call it a night!!
I headed back up to my room, and jumped into my big, lush, soft bed. Oh, how I'm going to enjoy you tonight. The fact that my bed will not be rocking, and the notable absence of a jumbo ship engine roaring through my room, may actually contribute to a wonderfully quiet night sleep!!
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