So managed to wake up and go for breakfast for before 11:00! Not bad going! We were like zombies walking across the beach :/ we rushed our breakfast just so we could hurry up and go in the sea! And then stayed there for two hours recapping on the night before! Changover... Gone! :D
Then we went to dry off and ended up falling asleep! We're so preductive! Then we chilled by the beach all day, no jet skiing as I don't want to do it alone, I need a photographer with me! So il do it in Laos or something when we go tubing!
That night we ate at the resort and then went to meet kingha/snooki and Iiona! We got a free lift as we saw the guy we rented the mopeds off so he said jump on, annie was sandwiched between us! Poor girl! There was a pool party at there resort! So we stayed there, more drunken w****s in bikinis! No druggies this time! More messy! Everyone was in bikinis and swim shirts, not me mum! I'm not going in that chlamydia ridden pool! :D
As we were leaving I found a pot of uv paint left unattended behind a desk so casually slipped that in my pocket ;) joking mum i paid 50 baht really! and took it with me... After the party I walked kingha to the 7/11 for a croissant, the lady on the counter said I'm sorry you have already eaten them all!!!! How funny! Then one of the w****s from the party walked in, she looked 17! I think she was a Chelsea girl, and I very kindly offered my face paint skills to add to the butterfly she already had, drew a c*** on her forehead and ran off!! She had it coming! ;) Then met cedric a French guy who kinga likes, busted out my French skills and just about managed to tell him my name, where I was from, that I have two older sisters and no brother, and then the conversation fell flat! No more French in me sorry!
Went home around 4! What sensible children we are ;)
- comments
mummy its a good job i believe everything you say x