Same, same but different day! Still ill, in fact... Worse! I don't know what it is that's wrong with me...
It could be a number of things, the guy that sneezed all over me in Phnom Penh! He looked dirty! So could be bird flu??
Or I also forgot to mention that when we were in Siem Reap I went to a local market for breakfast one day were I ate all sorts of weird things that were put in front of me! I had two of these pork skewer things that had been cooked, and then sat there on a tray with raw meat slapped right on top of it!! I never realised before I bit into it and by the time I noticed I didn't want to be a diva in a market full of Asians making a scene! So option two is that I have salmonella??
My third diagnosis is I have malaria, the Mosquitos are having a feeding frenzie on my ankles right now! We have to take malaria tablets everyday but we missed two days worth because we just forget, sometimes we forget if we have taken them and overcompensate by taking two! But to be honest the copious amounts of alcohol we have consumed probably overrides them anyway, the tablets do say strictly no alcohol consumption!... Ooops :/
Or my final diagnosis and probably the more realistic one is I just have a common cold... :( (manflu) all my symptoms are of a cold but, really? I'm in Cambodia, in June, it's in the thirties everyday and it's hot, sunny and humid... Yet I have a runny nose and I'm trying to keep wrapped up in bed!
Anyway whatever is wrong with me better leave while we're here relaxing by the beach and be back to normal for travelling back to phnom penh, we only have a few days there before we do some tubing in Laos and then we've decided we're gonna move upwards to China!!!! Then back down through Vietnam to Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia... That's just how I roll!
This morning when we woke up there had been a power cut so we were sweating without the fan! Then after a few hours they turned on the generator it only powers the kitchen though, not the rooms! Great, and it sounds like a bowing 747 is taking off, right outside our window! What a lovely wake up call ;)
Today was a repeat of yesterday which I won't even bore you with; more pestering from kids, more sitting and eating in our guesthouse, more lying on the beach, more sleeping, vomiting, coughing and I've not shaved in three days so I'm beginning to look like Tom Hanks in castaway... :/
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