Today we got up before lunch... I feel so ill! Had a bad nights sleep kept waking up, one minute I'm absolutely freezing with goosebumps trying to get wrapped up, but I'm hot to the touch and sweating! Great... :( I also can't breathe through my nose at all so I have to sleep with my mouth open so I'm frightened some mosquito or Cambodian blood sucking spider is gonna crawl in my mouth while I sleep :(
So when we woke up at 11:00 I'd only just got to sleep and I could have done to nod back off but I got up anyway. Had an iced coffee with sweet milk to wake me up, we ended up having three each today, we live off of them!
Then we relaxed on the beach, we were in the sun for all of 20 minutes before we'd both already burned! My nose and cheeks were bright pink, the Cambodian sun is harshe!
So I spent the afternoon in the shade, two woman came upto us asking us if we wanted manicures etc on the beach I said no and she left me alone, Annie on the other hand doesn't have a 'no' option in her vocabulary!
She ended up having a manicure and a pedicure for $5. Both women got to work on her straight away, then the three bracelet selling kids flocked around her too, seeing she had a weakness for kids! They started threading her legs and underarms and eyebrows for two hours! When I looked over she was just covered in blood spots! Not worth the pain if you ask me!
A further guy then came round us to see if she also wanted to buy sunglasses whilst she is casually lying on the beach being threaded and painted by an entourage of already 5 people! He stood there and laughed whilst another woman came upto her with a tray full of lobsters on her head! Thank god, she's finally figured out how to say no to someone!!! Better late than never!
So all in all in Sihanoukville the average budget is supposed to be $15-20 a day! I've spent $4.50 and Annie's already spent $22 and we've not even eaten or been anywhere yet!
After Annie's pampering episode and I slept on the beach for three hours, we went back to our room were I fell asleep yet again... Until 8:30! Woke up and showered and we went to eat at 9! We had noodles in serendipity beach bar...
We then went for a few drinks down the beach and I ran into a group of girls from Brighton, who I I was dancing with the other night in Phmom Penh! And they were sat right next to us, it's so odd how you run into people! They told us to go to JJ's bar later with them and it sounded tempting, but I couldn't... Two cocktails and I was ready to be sick, definitely not like me!!!!! Can't say I didn't try though :)
The music on this beach is so upto date with England it's nice to here current chart songs instead of listening to songs from 2008 everywhere else... And If I have to sit through the Y.M.C.A song one more time I think I will slip into a coma and die! That option actually sounds quite appealing right now!
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