not sure if you still get this message. We met 2008 in the middle of mongolia and i just found your postcard in my room.
Don't know why, but i wanted to write you that :)
If you mail me your email adress, i sent you a picture
good old times :)
Panos (Germany)
-> we have been the guys from the transsyberia rallye
Hey Shagga,
Your trip looked the goods Mikey. Made me wonder what the hell I'm doing in this office I can't stand!!! You look like you could do with a good feed and a wash mate, but then again you always have I suppose it's just the way you are. Awesome scenery mike must have been amazing ripping through all those different landscapes and coming accross cities in the middle of nowhere!! Anyway kid take care of yourself and keep your a$$ glued to that seat hey.
Lots of love, Nicko
P.S Hope you haven't cried too much!!
Hello Kate, Ben, Mike and Tim,
you may remember us, we are "Joe and Vito" - we met last year somewhere between moskau and the mongolian boarder. We just sold our car and I found in the rallye car a postcard from your tour. So I checked your blog and have read all the stories.
Congratualation that you made it, it was very impressive!!!
Wish you all the best and looking forward for new adventures!
Joe & Vito
Cool blog and pictures!!
See you..
Good luck)
Ryan Campbell
Hey bloke, thanks for the card, photo book and beer! It was a pleasure to have you in london (once you had showered of course!). Blanka and I are back home now. Safe n sound from 1 month in Oz looking forward to the tan fading and work on monday. I have your ski boots and goggles, let me know what you would like me to do with them. I'm already dreaming up a ski trip to visit you in Norway so keep me posted hey!
All the best, Ryan and Blanka.
Hey Mickey
Looks like your having another trip of your lifetime i wish i could be there with you! Not much has changed around here having a big party next week just for the hell of it! I'll send you some photos of the crew. Take care and remember don't do anything i wouldn't do, or should that be would do.
Janet And Mike
Hi Michael, loved seeing your latest photos. How's the first aid kit going (? anything like the bike repair kit!!!) It was good to see ryan and Blanka- they're currently at hamilton Island, but will be back to uk this weekend. Had dinner with Craig and Julie- very comfy at new abode. Amy and Hayden were looking good at Jeff's 60th party. there were plenty of Avon descent photos of you about that night on the big screen so you were'nt forgotten!
Love from Mike and janet.
sounds grat mike in norway and all, just tried to do a markets at frematle it was s*** good experience though looking for houses at the mo got a real good deposit, should be able to make the repayments pretty easy so come home when your really and lets by a bus and put people in it hahahahah hows the bike miss your phone call the other day give me a call or tell us ur number peace hally ps nicko and trishes wedding was one out of the box very funny times , we miss you there or their or they're f@#ken english
Hey, Michael!
Glad to see you are ok, nice to know everythings going fine. I've already came back to Vladivostok from USA, now time back to work again... :-)
Take care, mate!
P.S. What a nice lady on the picture of last post from Paris? ;-)))
I didnt know that we had one too, maybe one day ill go find it and go for a swim. The one in scotland is pretty damn cold, especially when i was there! The weather in scotland at this time of year generally sucks!
Ah, legendary lake Lochness. It's funny though, when I did my travels in Aussie, I took a swim in a lake with the exact same name. Now I'm sure you're familiar with all the 'copy' and 'pasting' the Aussies do - stealing existing names - but I bet this you didn't know as of yet!