Great pics. But ur looking skinny, Phill would not be pleased, hehe. Take care. Miss u lots.
Hey Mike,
Love reading your adventures, sounds like your having a good time! Makes me want to go on a new trip myself again to... but working on that...
Keep up the great stories and make some great memories!
Ciao Iris
Hey Mike,
Love reading your adventures, sounds like your having a good time! Makes me want to go on a new trip myself again to... but working on that...
Keep up the great stories and make some great memories!
Ciao Iris
Hi Alexey
Did you guys get the cambaks from MEC in canada yet. Please let me know ifyou have not and i will chase it up. Also the guys said to say thankyou for the contact in Chita for the tyres. They found them!
Michael, will provide details as soon as i can get time on computer, sorry!
Hi Michael.
This is Michael from Armadale 4WD Service Centre, your dad told me about your trip and this web site.
Great to see your off doing something that most of us would probably want to do if we could, good on you.
In fact my wife and I are looking at riding through China to Europe and England in three years time, so I'll pick your brains a bit if you don't mind.
Was there any reason you shipped your bike to Russia and not China?
Any tips for getting visas through Russia?
Look forward to keeping an eye on your progress, keep thr bright side up.
Happy Birthday!
Good to see you got your bike and off on adventures!
Enjoy yourself and take care!
See you in Norway!
Happy Birthday old fart! Hope you're having a good time whatever you're doing. Love your baby sis
Happy birthday Mile!! Wherever you are have a great day - riding along, visiting the sights, or spending some time with new friends! We are all thinking of you.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Michael
Happy birthday to you.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo Kate, Royce & George
Hi Mike,
Im glad your on the road now the photos are great and the comments very funny... although I cant imagine you doing a tanti in a office... Sounds like you have met some really nice people!!!
I have 9 weeks to go and I cant wait. I am doing some work experience with kelly and on my second day I made two sales... I was pretty happy with myself... lets just hope they got what they were after..
Anyway take care Meike and caht soon xx
Mile, Happy Birthday for the 2nd June....just thought I'd let the world know! After all, it is an event worth broadcasting. Only a mother can get away with embarrassing you like this.
Missing you and thinking of you......lots of love from Mum
Thanks for the wishes guys. The music is great lucas.
Please return my best wishes (and drool) back to goerge kate, hope the plans are coming along...
Congrats to matty and casey, got er in the bag mate!