I am really sorry to say that the st christopher is gone. he was on my keychain but i think may have been ripped off maybe when the kazakh man was trying to take my keys to open the fuel tank to syphon it. there was a bit of a struggle cause i wasnt going to let him take my keys anywhere. I was really bummed to loose him but hopefully he still keeps me safe even though hes not with me all the time....
Vaune & Graeme
Hi Mike. Love reading your newsy updates, stay safe, we're all well - forget the Frequent Flyers, I plan to use them this time! Do you still have your St Christopher? Love Vaune and Graeme
Hope you enjoy the stories when you read this on firday bruce. I would like to update more regularly but it is hard to find internet in this place. Also parking the bike so it is safe is a drama while i am sitting at the computer....
I will see what i can do matty about getting back, im sure it would be a great bash, and i was there for the 21st, maybe ask vauney about frequent flyers :)
So when you getting a KLR Martin????
Siobhan And Niamh
Hello BIG Michael from your little cousins,Dads as jealous as anything
lots of luck from Martin Celeste Siobhan and Niamh
hey mike just thought i'd let you know that yes me and casey are getting married. 31 st of october next year mate so you better get your back sid ehome by then so you could be at the wedding nice pics take care mike enjoy it talk soon
Caught up with Andrea last night. She said it was really good to hear from you. I seem to be getting into the habit of having a look at your blog at the end of the week on Fri. eveneing before going home. Glad it was you working on the bike rather than me, I'd have given up after 1.5hrs. I just like riding the bikes. I did 340kms last Sunday up to Wollembi in the lower Hunter. There were circa 80 bikes at the pub and more when you consider the coming and going while we were there for a couple of hours. I am going up that way again this Sunday but a bit longer ride this time. It sounds like in the Mongolian mud that could be a three day ride? Keep well Bruce.
Go you good thing!!
Love the pics, vids and messages of your adventure! Sorry for not sending more messages mate though am wishing you safe journey daily!!
As you are getting closer to UK, let me know if there is anything i can do from the comfort of here! Bubblewrap some Guiness, anything mate!!
Michael from armadale 4wd centre. Please send me another email address as i have some info for you. Email to me at [email protected]
Hi Michael,
just visited your website. Take care, myself and Kristy always glado to know any news from you. I'm on line almost every day, so keep in touch! Good luck in Mongolia!
Im eating well drea, really i am. Just working hard i guess. And yeah hally, dads are great. If only i had your info on the bearings earlier mate, could have solved the prob on the spot! Love the bulls***!
i thought u might have problems with ur stearing bearings, its common in the shaft column, dads are good hey, doers they are mate, im heading of next monday all rigged up ready to go, looks like ur have fun and all. mattys getting married im not, miss ya any way mate hope to see ya soon ish keep out of trouble and stuff. as for the column shafts try degreasing the orbitor should fix the problem anysways hally
Hi, I am at Andrea's having a look at your latest adventure. It looks like you are having a fantastic time. I am very jealous, but one day I will do some bike touring. For now I just have to leave it to wizzing around the southernhighlands etc. Keep well. Bruce