Hi Mike, this is my first visit to your website and I must say Im impressed. The photos are great and it looks as though you are having an amazing time. Hope all is well, Lozza
Hey Ben, come and meet me in Europe mate, Feel like riding to Cape town???
Uncle Filth, long time no speak! Good to hear you are still gettin round on the gay trays with amy! Yeah im takin care of myself, eatin well, i think there is a pic of one of my meals. Problem here is its too hard to buy meals for just one, so to solve this, i eat for 2! I knew that'd put a smile on your face! Im waiting to hear back about work then i will sort out your next winter holiday for ya again, as i do!
Stevo and Cait, Congrats! Holy s***! Take care and dont work too hard. I will have to come back and visit the little one next year!
Gillian Finestone, Please email me your email address, it didnt come through then i can tell you about the shipping. Otherwise i put the details on Horizons Unlimited, google it...
Hey Mike,
Love reading your latest adventures. Good to see you made it through Russia ok. Not a great deal happening here... Except we're having a baby, don't know how old it will be by the time you get back here. Cait's due in Feb. Anyway mate, love seeing your photos and reading your blogs, makes me want to go travelling.
Take Care
Phil Moor
Yo Chicken Mike,
Mate your blogs are amazing. I can't believe how far you have travelled your arse must truely be made of steal. Not much happening back here in Oz. Been on a few trips to the snow and caught up with Andrea which was great. We also recently had a week in NZ which was pretty cool. Looking forward to you planning our next adventure so hurry up and get settled somewhere . Keep up the blogs and photos it makes us feel like we are there with ya. Amy says hi and wants to know if her little roster has been eating well.
Stay well
Phil & Amy
Steffen Annfinsen
Hi Mike, how have you been since you left Alta? Hope you'll have a nice trip down to Cape Horn :)
Hey Mike,
Sorry I missed you in Melbourne, just started reading your blog. Amazing man, I'm re-living it all over again! Sounds like you must be just about out of Russia, I love that country!
Look after yourself and hopefully I'll see you on the road one day...
Hi mikey, sounds like your still out and about there, its 3 oclock in the morning here im on the computer in the office of the exmouth novetel yeah its a bit like tube town. juust mopped the floor clean the tiolets and now watching the footy followed by the series of prison break sweet and getting paid for it. The avon pretty big this year a real boomer they reakon, ive got my dingy up to exmouth tomorrow, fishing fishing you know the exciting stuff. Whats your plans are u going to work soon or you just going to ask mummy and daddy for some more money, anyways miss ya heaps mate keep safe and peace be the journey ( got that of cool runnings the movie last night)
Hi Mike,
Man it sounds like you are doing it real tough! Great photos and great to keep reading your updates. You must be coping with the language OK, must be great meting such friendly locals. Keep up the good work, your an ambasitor for Australia now that you made the news!
Keep the not so shiny side up.
Hi Mike, im luvin the updates and you take great photos. I ran into Thomsy from Jap Jap while I was in Perisher and he works with a girl from Norway if you're interested in her email or something as a contact for when you get there. Do you have Thomsy's email or ill find him next time im down there. Tracey's not teaching this season, just hiding on warm reception but I havent found her down there yet. I went for some runs with Phil & Amy and it was great to see them. Dave and his friend Ash are still talking about your trip and being jealous. The countryside looks amazing. x
Anju (Andreas Just)
I'm the german with the damaged foot in Oasis/UB ;-)
Nice to read, that you've solved Mongolia (a great country!!) and you're now on the way to europe. Here's a link to the travellers meeting I told you:
Hey dan, which dan are you!!!??? Sorry mate. Would love to catch up with some westerners in astana. Do you know anyone???... Cant reply to your email cause i dunno which to reply to!
Wow you're a local hero now in the almighty Kazakhstan. I really enjoy reading all your adventures so keep it up!.