Happy Memorial Day, U.S.A!
This is the view from mi cuarto esta noche. Today, Argentina celebrated May 25th—kinda like July 4th, but in honor of the revolution, not the country's independence. Independence Day is next month :)
In honor of the holiday, I chilled. No classes, no meetings, nothing. I read some emails & checked Facebook. I had forgotten it was Memorial Day until a friend texted me about it. Then I remembered again when I saw the FB statuses. After lunch, I went to the movies. By the way, my host parents fed me lunch, which was awesome since they only have to feed me breakfast & dinner. I thought of seeing Avengers, but I didn't see the point in seeing a movie I'll probably see at home. (Even if it is a bit cheaper.) I chose "Tokio," an Argentine romantic comedy, instead. I loveeee acting y'all lol. Even when I got lost in the dialogue, the lead actress kept me in the know. I was curious as to what acting style is popular in Argentina, because one character had a facial tick/thing that she kept doing whenever she was listening. I wasn't sure if I should be bothered by it so I chose not to look at her when she wasn't speaking lol. On the way back home, I got lost-ish. Big surprise there, guys. I still get lost on campus sometimes :) haha. Anyway, a few really sweet people helped me to find my way. I say lost-ish because I knew I was near our condo, I just didn't recognize the streets I crossed. I told my host parents and they quickly gave me safety reminders & habits for the city. My host mom also taught me the surrounding street names and their locations. I was "lost" two blocks from our building.
When I returned home, I met my parents' friends THAT SPEAK ENGLISH and they were super sweet. The woman helped me translate my adventure for my parents. She also taught me a few phrases :) then I was excused because they realized I was exhausted from walking so much. I think I eventually took a nap? I'm not sure.
My mission mentor contacted me today! I saw an email from her and I got super excited. (She is fluent in both English & Spanish, so she makes me practice my Spanish when we communicate lol.) We are meeting up some time this week. I think this means I'll miss our group trip to Uruguay, BUT it also means I'll be connected with my Buenos Aires church family soon! :)
Well, I have orientation at the University tomorrow to get my schedule & books. I just learned I have Spanish class for 5 hours a day ._. 5 hours ._. Monday through Friday ._. Every week until I leave .___. We get a lunch break somewhere in there, but if I can't read fourth grade chapter books and also carry a decent conversation in Spanish by the time I return to los Estados, something is very wrong. Very. Wrong.
It's after 10 here, which is around dinner time in Argentina. My parents are older, so that may be why I eat earlier, around 9 pm. My body is tired from walking. My body is still sore from the plane (is this jet lag?). My body still thinks it's in the U.S. sometimes. Silly body. We are not in the U.S. We are in Argentinaaaa. Oh! So apparently older people tend to burst out into song and it's beautiful. My host dad sings in Spanish while he cleans the kitchen. My host mom sings throughout the day. At the airport, an older man sang "Ava Marie" with his wife by his side. Yes, I just made a generalization based in three isolated incidents. Let me slide this time.
I should stop blogging before bed. I think I'll do it earlier so my thoughts aren't as jumbled.
Goodnight, guys ^_^ hastamos luego!
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