Oh dear it's been ageees since i did one of these, a lot to catch up on! ok so i'll start with my mini road trip down the Great Ocean Road! The lovely Sat lives in Torquay, which is about an hour or so outside of Melbourne so Suzie and I headed down there with her early Sat morning for the first part of our adventure. i hadn't been toooo impressed with Melbourne (i'm completely a sydney girl) but OHMY torquay is stunnnning, was clear blue skies and just soo nice, it's a lil beach town area and the beaches and cliffs were just beautiful! so we had some lunch there, dropped off our stuff at her hosue and started down the Great Ocean road, obviously weren't going to drive the whole thing in one day but planned on going a couple hours along it and visiting some towns ion the way. the beaches and views were just incredible, but you could see all the damage in the wildlife from the fires, all of the trees are still black, was really surreal. but the cliff are soo bendy and just stunning, it really was my idea of australia-LOVED IT! we stopped off to write some cheeky message in the sand for those people back home, BUT blooming karma, i was writing a HUGE message and the tide kept coming in and wiping it away!pssssh. we ended up in a lil town Lorne which was soooo nice! we stopped off to do a bit of sunbathing, then got a HUGEEEEEEE ICECREAM oh GOD this place was like amazing, had about 30different flavours and woooow i just didn't know what to go for! we then drove up some ISNANE hills to find a waterfall AND WE SAW A WILD KOALA BEAR!! was climbign a tree and eating as it went along, was soooo cool!! the waterfall was really nice, kinda rainforesty was strange! but then coming back down the hill we kinda broke down a lil bit...but it was fiiiiine, we just overheated but being girls we had NO idea what was going on so had to call someone out! then headed back to torquay and had suuuuch a nice meal and then chilled out, looovely day! so that was my very limited experience of the Great Ocean Road-it was gooood!
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