Oh wow, I've got a lot to write up about! Sorry for delay, it's been a bit of a hassle getting to internet/i've been quite busy!!
sooooo, i arrived in Melbourne on 11th (slightly hungover thanks to one hours sleep-cheers Blue Parrot guys for that!) and it just happened to be one of the hottest days on record-43 degrees!!! sounds nice on papar but wooow, it was soooo hot, the wind was just burning so i spent a couple hours on the beach befor heading inside and appreciating the airconditioning!! i was staying in St Kilda (loooovely place, right on the beach!) at Base-which definitely lives up to it's reputation of being a party place! i quickly discovered that the room that i was staying in meant that i'd get free champagne 8-9 EVERY night...not bad!! so fiona, alice (two looovely girls in my room!) and i decid3ed to take advantage of that, and the happy hour prices of wine and had a very fun night in the hostel bar!
the next day, you'll all love this, was FREEEZIIIING! i mean, not in comparison to home, but the evening before hadn't dropped below 37 (new record) and we woke up the next day with clouds ,20degrees and a chilly wind! so we decided to do a bit of siteseeing around melbourne, so headed into the city, wandered around a bit, then had some lunch in one of the parks WHICH HAD A FAIRY TREE!! haha, this is mainly for my langton girls, but this tree was soooo cute, even tho the fairies on it were very freaky/scay-clearly not real fairies, but it's where people make wishes and we kept seeing all these lil girls dressed up in tutus with fairy wings going over and making wishes-too cute! we then headed to the city museum (which we managed to get into for free using our old student cards-woooo!) which was pretty cool, lots about aboriginal history, but our favourite part was the funny mirrors that make you look really short/tall...such children!! in the evening we decided to head down st kilda pier to see the PENGUINS!! this a wee lil trick that backpackers are passing around, instead of going to philip island and paying $130 and not being able to take pictures, go to st kilda, wander down the pier and an hour after sunset the penguins start coming out-soooo cute!! but we stuuupidly didn't take many layers with us and we were SOOOO COLD!!! weds was FREE BBQ DAY!!! i was soooo exicted about this (ask alice/fiona-i did NOT shut up about it!) and it was preeetty good!
on thurs, we headed back into the city (with much nicer weather) and went around the queen vic markets, then down to the harbour shopping centre-whihc was AMAAAZIIINGGGG, had to leave before i spent all of my money! so we sat by the water and had icecream, before wandering down towards the others docks and seeing all of the random art stuff that's on the way-like a cow in a tree!! very random, but quite cool! we then started getting ready for ladies night-which invovled free drinsk for ladies from 8-11!!! so, all of the guys decided to dress up in dresses to get the free drinks too, was pretty funny!!
friday=NEIGHBOURS DAAAAY!!! was veeerye xcited about this-such geeks1 it was pretty cool tbf, we got onto the neighbours bus, watched some episodes, got told lots of gossip and then headed down to the set-saw the school and places like that before heading to RAMSEY STREET! so saw everyones hosues, and found out that people actually live in them!! madness! and there's 24/7 hours security so it must be the safest street in the world! we then met dylan-one of the timmonds, the guy who got sky preggers, he was pretty fun, and he told us even more gossip! we then headed down to have some of the famous cake from of the maaaany cake shops in st kilda, before heading down to the penguins again, which was much nicer coz of the weather! we saw lil chicks, and parents greeting each other and doing lil penguin dances-was sooooooo cool!!!
sat was another mini beach day, before we all went out sat night-another very amusing night! and then sun was my last day in st kilda, met up with a few girls from sydney and took advantage of the free bbq at base for the last time before heaidng to my next hostel!!
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