So we survived the speedway. i am not sure there should be so many people enjoying car crashes but i suppose when all there is to see is cars driving in a circle you need something exciting. Two drivers did have a little bit of a tiff in their cars which resulted in one spinning upside down! There was dust everywhere - stu had some lovely anti-dust glasses - thanks charlie!
The night ended with the demolision derby - with awful car 19 just avoiding all the others while father christmas car and others caused some big crashes.
Wednesday was 38 degrees! In the evening we cooked for grandpa - stir fry with ginger and then mince pies! Grandma had a pre-emptive tummy bug when she heard about us cooking and so didnt eat any of it!
Today we went on our christmas sail (from gmo and gpa) on the Leeuwin II which Mel sailed on 2 years ago. It was only a day sail and there were soooo many people and crew onboard. We both got to climb the mast, and make knot bracelets (wonder if they should introduce that at nottingham!)
We had a bbq in the evening with cassie and charlie, and cress was there too!
Tomorrow we fly 1270 miles to Cocos Keeling Islands for new years eve,
Love from the place where we are called Melon Stew
mel and stu x
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