Mel and Stu missing you
About Mel
So off travelling again and we announce our first weekend mini break!
An excuse to see Kate, eat chips and chocolate and have a weekend away was too much.
We got the 6am eurostar from ashford. mel as always managed to fall asleep immediately and wake up on arrival in Brussels. She was rather disappointed as she felt that this did not qua…
For everyone's knowledge -we love travelling so much that our return is delayed until May - much love
The A-Z of the trip in 2006!
Blue Hole in belize
Charlie, ragamuffin and turtles
Dolphin swimming in new Zealand
Eastsail at Sydney Harbour
Fluffy Clouds
Glacier climbing
Harbour Bridge Climb
Isla Mujeres with sam'n'si
Jumping from a plane at Lake taupo
Kevin Costner
Lake Birrabean on Fraser Island
Mackerel bay snorkelling
Niagara falls and tower meal
Over the tongariro cros…
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brussels, Belgium
So off travelling again and we announce our first weekend mini break!
An excuse to see Kate, eat chips and chocolate and have a weekend away was too much.
We got the 6am eurostar from ashford…
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cairo, Egypt
So the last blog entry -
On Mel's birthday we went to the pyramids. We took 2 camels around the pyramids and Mel wore her bellydancer headdres birthday present. As the camels sat down and sto…
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alexandria, Egypt
So we arrived at alexandria at 1am and then realised it was 2am because of the time change. We got a taxi to our hotel to find that they had given our room away and only had a single room so w…
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dahab, Egypt
So after another police escort we headed to dahab. This place is very tourist driven but a nicer place than sharm-al-sheik. We had a very cheap room in a nice hotel and spent a lot of time on …
- last visited
![Where I am Now](¢er=50.8333333, 4.3333333&zoom=5&size=240x200&markers=icon:|50.8333333, 4.3333333&sensor=false)
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Mel has not added a travel plan yet