Just seen all youre photos and read your blog. Truely amasing can see you are having a real fab time.
Love you lots
Mum & Dad
(Sue & Pete)
Alright kids!!
Check u two out, snap happy or wat!! haha. It's great to see the photos, berg how do I put them on fb?? Plus I know I'm a student but 301 photos on fb, gonna b there all day, lol.
It looks incredible out there, so very jealous. Hope u r both keeping well, looks as tho u r.
Missing you lots...
Fi xxxxxx
ps, matt-loving the commitment 2 liverpool in the pics
Nan & Grandad
Glad you are enjoying it keep well and safe.
Nan & Grandad
Mum & Dad
Hi Matt & Carly
Missing you loads. Sounds like you are having the time of your lives, wish we were there with you.
love you lots
Mum & Dad
(Sue & Pete)
Hi you 2!!!!!!
Hope you are well, it sounds absolutely amasing. I sent you guys an email from Helen's computer in work, did you get it?
Nothing much to report, apart from - you will so be amsed now - I yes I got up in the attic at the weekend - booooo!
Cant wait to see all the photo's - already started your album Mattu!!
Love you both loads and missing you more
Take care
Sally xxxxxxxxxx
Kate & Mark
Hello bar & berg
Well, sounds like you're having an awesome time already. I can't believe you went to tiger temple I'd love to do that. Can't wait to see the picture of you berg looking like you're sitting on a tiger. Can't wait to see all the pics get them on here soon.
Love you and missing you loads
Wish we were there
Mark & Kate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
John & Paula
Hi Guys,
Nice to hear from you, glad all is going fine and you are both well!! Don't think Judith Charmers could have done it any better. Take care and keep that Barrel going Matt!!
Luv John & Paula x x
Rhiannon, Ian And Girls
Glad you arrived safely, and Matt made the most of the flight! Have a great time and enjoy every minute.
Take care x
Mum & Dad
Glad you are enjoying it. Sounds great. Not missing much here with the weather. In Exmouth this weekend and it has done nothing but rain. Got a new IPhone - still the same number.
Vicki & Gary
Hey Guys!
Sounds like your're having a fab time!! Make sure u make the most of it and enjoy yourselves.