Hi Matt and Carly. just viewed all your amazing photos, you must be having such a goog time, I love the camper van, it must be the topic of conversation wherever you go!
Missing you loads, take care lots of love mum and dad
Hey guys!! Have just done the mammoth read of like 4 posts because of being in Croatia. All sounds so incredible, I am ridiculously jealous. You sound like you are making the most of everything, you don't seem to stop! Bristol is fine, girls are all ok even after everything that has happened lately. We are all missing you lots!!! I passed all my exams, you were still in england when I did them, weird eh. And I have been offered the place on Physiology that I wanted. Got a new flat in Liverpool sorted, back up there soon to move in.
You are both looking very healthy and well, keep taking care of each other.
Lots of brizzle love
Fi xxxxxxxxxxxxx
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt,
Got your text. Glad to hear you had a good time swimming with the whale sharks & seeing the hump back & hammerhead. Will try & give you a call on the 18th at Nick & Helens. Dad off to Antwerp Wednesday til Sunday. Gemma got a 2.1 in Forensic science & Tom is 18 on the 20th; have sent cards from all of us. Weather here pretty good . Going to Telford for mums birthday weekend of 29th if I can get petrol. Tanker drivers are on strike so a bit scarce at the moment. Bethan has arrived in Brisbane but haven't seen her blog yet.
Everybody here sends their love
Take care of yourselves
Mum & Dad
Keith Moores
Hi Carly & Matt,
Great to hear you had such a brilliant time with Nick & Helen. THANK YOU Nick & Helen.
Everybody here ok, all the usual coughs & colds but over them now. Weather has been good for last week so enjoying the sunshine. Jo ok with work & kids being good for us. Vicki back home safely with some great pics & says she wouldn't mind living over there.
Hope your'e enjoying western Australia & looking forward to all your news.
Take care & love you loads
Mum & Dad
Hi Guys
Photos look fab from perth!!!!! You need to add Ja on to the blog he has not been receiving them. [email protected]
Love you
Hey camper dudes
Wow have to say the beast of a campervan looks amazing. Can't believe you were in a tornado that's crazy.
Weather back here is normal rain most of the time, had a bit of sun on the weekend but not really that much. 3 weeks to go to Greece now I can't wait I'm so jealous of you both everytime you send a blog.
Can't wait to hear from you guys.
Love ya loads
Kate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
John & Paula
Hi you two,
looks like your having a BALL! The camper van looks really smart. Least you wont loose it if you park it up on a car park!! he he. You take care and speak soon. Oh I got your text of your new number, thanks!!
Love John & Paula
Hey Guys,
Hope you are having a fab time and enjoy Australia! Weather over here on the Gold Coast sucks - apparently they were in a month long drought until us English arrived and now we have had nothing but torrential rain!!
Started the netball a few days ok but it was super 6's which is completely different rules and we suck at it! NZ are amazing! Needless to say none of the England teams have made the finals.
Normal netball starts on Thursday so will let you know how we get on at that. :)
Love Always
Hi Guys,
Welcome to Oz...Great to here you arrived safe in Perth not so good that you feel a bit fluey, Have a great trip up to Gero we look forward to seeing you, check out Yanchep National park it's on your way and totally awesome if you like Ausssie Wild life up close and personal..
See ya Soon
Nick & Helen
Hi guys, sounds like your both having an amazing time on your travels! Just read your latest blog, wasnt impressed with the spider! Shame about the football, theres always next year! Cant believe how much you've both seen in the past few weeks. Looking foward to the next lot of pics and blog,
Take Care,
Love The Reid's xxxxx
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt,
Great to hear from you. Sorry weather hasn't been better for you, not too clever here either this past week. Vicki arrived in Brisbane Sunday to lovely sunshine but thundery showers forcast there for next few days. She's training hard this week with matches next week. Hasn't taken her phone with her but you can email to her normal address & she'll pick it up.
Not long now before you two are in Oz as well. Everything ok here. Looking forward to your next installment.
Lots of Love
Mum, Dad, Jo, Leo & Lexie
Hi Matt & Carly
Just thought I would write you - miss you loads and need your jokes Mattu!!!