Just a quick message to wish Matt a "Happy Birthday"!!!
Berg - you are missing out on the dirty dancing extravaganza this weekend at pontins! Bet you are mega jealous (yeah right).
Speak soon
Hi Matt & Carly
Matt HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have a wicked day which I am sure you will.
Looking forward to the next lot of photos.
Love you and miss you tons & tons
Keith Moores
Hi Carly & Matt
Lovely to hear from you. I was a bit worried about your dives in case the weather was really bad your way after the cyclone in Burma. Congratulations both on being "certified".
Weather has been brilliant the last couple of days. Lots of gardening. Kids have got a regular playground out the back now, just need the sandpit.
Jo, Leo & Lexie off to Newquay on Monday. Hoping the weather stays fine for them. Put plenty of lotion on your back Carls and take it easy with the tanning. You've got all year.
Miss you & Love you loads
Mum & Dad, Jo, Leo & Lexie
John & Paula
Hi Guys,
Just a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY Matt for Thursday. Hope its one to remember (think it will!!)
Love to you both
John & Paula
Hey Guys
Hope you're still having an amazing time? Silly question really of course you are and I can definitely see that from the pics they are so wicked. You both look really relaxed and healthy.
I got a promotion in work which was good. Matt I'm so sorry that Liverpool didn't make it through I did cheer them on for you. Hope you're legs ok berg.
Keep posting the blogs they're great reads.
Love and missing you guys loads
Kate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Guys
Now I am totally jealous - the photos look fantastic - makes me want to sell up and do the same. The taxi ride looks awesome!!!!
Take care love you both
Helen & Nick
Great Pics....Watch out for the snakes in Oz, they are not so cuddly Matt.
see you soon..
Vicki & Gary
Hey Travellers,
Sounds like you are having the best time ever! Am loving the pic of Matt and the Scorpion and Berg u r looking very skinny!! Bit concerned about the spider bite tho (eurgh)!
Nothing exciting happening here - I am just looking forward to Pontins next weekend and then Australia!! (its only 3 weeks away!). Apparently my kit will have my name on it! :P
Keep having a fantastic time.
Vicki & Gary
John & Paula
Hi Guys,
The pictures look superb!! And only just into your trip of a lifetime also!! Looking forward to the next lot!! Take care yow 2!
Luv John and Paula x x
Hey guys ur pics look amazing! Cant believe ur finally there. bet it was surreal being so close to tigers.
Just to let u know Kirsten wants to talk bout meeting u in Perth. Dont know if she can make it straight away. Try emailing her if u havent already
Love to ya both x
Gem & Paul
had a look at your photos, fair play to you both it looks amazing, keep having fun,
gem & paul x
Hello U2
Glad your having a good holiday. How your elephant had a bigger apetite than matt.