Photos are amazing. Certainly helps you appreciate the scale of things. You both look really well & happy, more like you're on holiday than travelling the world.
Everything here ok, just wanted you to know that we check in to see what you're doing quite regularly. Enjoy the blogs & the pics and following your exciting adventures.
Take care, lots of love
Mum & Dad
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt
Hope your outback adventure is all going to plan & you're enjoying being with friends & catching up. According to facebook, Bethan is in Alice Springs.
All the family asking after you & sending their best wishes.
Everyone here ok. Lexie got headbutted by a pygmy goat at Avon Valley; it ripped her shirt & cut her tummy a little. Luckily nothing more serious, she's fine.
Enjoying the olympics on the tv. weather crap as usual, no sign of summer.
Take care, lots of love
mum & dad
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt,
Hope you've managed to get sorted out after the robbery. It was a dreadful experience after all the good times you've had but you're both ok & thats the important thing. Let me know what you want me to do with your new stuff.Dad says thanks for the cash.You did a good deal on Big Daddy.
Not sure when your'e flying to Alice Springs but have a great time & watch out for the wildlife.
Everyone ok here. Dad feeling much better now. Nana jean was thrilled you rang on her birthday. Vicki & Gary enjoyed Cyprus, had excellent weather & chilled out. Leo & Lexie growing up fast, you will be amazed when you next see them.
Everyone sends their best wishes & lots of love
Mum & Dad
Hi Guys
Hope all is well with you both. Greetings from sunny Kos have been here for over a week, glorius sunshine every day. Tomorrow we go to Turkey for the day, should be interesting, will catch up with all your blogs when we get home.
Take care love from us all x
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt,
Lovely to hear from you & catch up with the photos. A lot greener than I expected. Cool to have the moon in your hands.
Everyone here ok. Nana Jeans birthday on 31st. Vicki & Gary looking forward to Cyprus. Jo, James & kids have a busy weekend with the Zoo on Saturday & Milton Keynes on Sunday. They're going to see Nick Junior Jump Up with all their favourite tv characters. (Lexie was shouting Matt all round Woolies yesterday.)
Weather has been better this week but you're not missing much of a summer.
Dad on the lookout for holidays even though he's on one long one! Nico seems to have aged a lot, must be the worry of the kids. She's never sure what they're going to do next.
Have fun & take care of yourselves
Lots of Love
Mum, Dad & all the family
Lucy Ware
Hi Carly & Matt
Glad to see you're having an amazing time - your blogs and pictures are making me very jealous and giving me very itchy feet!!!! Me and Gav think we may go in Oct 2009 so will be asking for loads of advice etc when you get back!!!
Nothing exciting happening here! Miss you at netball!! Training started on Monday and there were loads of new people and I elbowed one really hard in the face and felt really guilty!!!
We're going to the zoo with jo and james and leo and lexie on Saturday for a kids thing which should be lovely!
Cant believe its been so long since you left! Its flown by!
Have a fabulous time!
Love Lucy xxxxxxxxxx
Keith Moores
Hi Carly & Matt
Good to see you're enjoying the East coast as much as the West. Managed to view the pictures as thumbnails; Big daddy looks pretty substantial, you're both looking well & more fabulous scenery to boot, even some decent weather, can't be bad.
Everyone ok here. Mum had a good birthday & received your postcard last week. Nan & Grandad off to the Isle of Wight this week. Dad has loaded all your pics onto the computer off the disc. Went to see Vicki play netball at MOD sports day, ABW won as usual. Jo, James & kids went to Longleat Friday & had excellent day. Jo going to Warrington this weekend & I'm looking after mum 12-15th while San is in Germany. Weather here is rubbish, windy & rainy. Everyone sends their love.
Seems strange to think you've been gone 3 months & done so much whilst time here has gone really quickly but we haven't done a lot.
Lots of love Mum & Dad
Hi Guys
I cant see your photos - sort it out!!!
Hope you guys are cool
Get the photos sorted.
Your Cairns pictures will not load !!!!
John & Paula
Hi Guys, Glad to see you both still having a super time. At this rate think I have lost the title of best bbq!! Can not compete with yours, EMU!! he he. You take care and keep those photo's coming.
Love John & Paula xxxxxx
Helen & Nick
Hi There...
Loved the camping pictures, especially the B&W pic of Nick.. I think these have been cunningly edited, as the one with Carly attempting to eat 5 marshmallows seems to be missing!! Great to hear you loved WA.. Enjoy the rest of your Journey.
Love from Helen & Nick xx
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt
Brilliant as usual reading about your adventures; the tree top walk sounds amazing(though scary) & you could have given the Gloucester tree a miss but luckily you're safe & well. You're PADI diving card has arrived but no other post yet. All ok here. Jo & the kids say Hi. Work going ok, lunching with Toni everyday. Vicki did well in her Uni modules - only the dissertation to go. Looking forward to hearing from the East coast, enjoy & keep warm.