Long time no speak. Hope everything is going well. Looking forward to hearing from you. Vicki leaving today(Sat 10pm) for Brisbane. Will be in Singapore airport for 4 hours. Jo & kids not too well this last week but picking up now. Flats looking good with new windows & door. Dads thinking of moving in!
Love you loads
Mum & Dad
Kate Chick
Hey you two!
I have only just seen this! Im so glad you are having a good time, work isnt the same without you, have fun!
Love Kate
Hi Guys
Sounds like you are both having a fantastic time on your travels. We are enjoying reading your blog and Ian is quite jealous. Rather you than me having snakes round your neck!
Off to wembley on Saturday COME ON YOU REDS!!!!
Phone home ASAP or text someone your mobile number.
John & Paula
Hi Guys,
The travel write up's and photo's just get better!! Love the video of you both on a moped. Looks like something out of a John Woo film. HE HE. Take care you 2!!
Love from John & Paula xxxxxx
Hi Matt & Carly
Still sounds like your having an amazing time. The pictures look great always look forward to seeing them. Hope you are both well you certainly look it. Matt can you please ring Mum when you can or me my number is 01275 545 759.
Love you guys
Kate xxxx
Hi there
Hope u don't mind me leaving a comment i am trying to book yr travelling and was wondering did you book a trip with interpid or did u just book all your travelling around the islands when you got to Thailand?
Hi Kevin,
No problem, we just booked as we went along. Its so cheap cos its low season & loads of competition. Rooms shouldnt cost much more than 400 baht if you are looking for somewhere cheap. Have a good trip, we loved the islands.
K Moores
Hi Carly & Matt,
Have been creased with laughter reading your last blog. Sorry Matt. Can't believe how much you've done in the last 3 weeks nor how quickly it has gone by. Don't envy you 23 hours travelling on buses(I'm queasy just going into Bristol) but sure you'll find things to interest & amuse you.
Jo & the kids off to Newquay today so we've lots to do while we can get on. Weather still beautiful here though cracking thunderstorm Friday night for over 2 hours.
Looking forward to reading your next blog.
Love to you both
Mum & Dad
Charlie 'potter' A
Loving the blog - keep it up. It brings a little sunshine to my office day every time I read it! Can just imagine you both on some paradise beach on the far side of the world. Enjoy Oz and NZ...
Hi you 2.
Happy Birthday Barrel, im sure you will have a good one.
Sounds like your having a cracking time.
Glad your both good and getting to do all the things that you have wanted to.
Take care.
Hi Matt
Happy Birthday !!!
Helen (Your Ex Boss)
Hi you 2
I have loved reading all your adventures to date its better than any book. My adventures only went as far as Devon Cliffs the other weekend but we had sunshine so that was amazing but not quite awesome!!! Looking forward to my next adventure in July oh yes back down to Devon Cliffs but this time for a week!!
Matty just wanted to wish you a fab Birthday, miss you!!