Morning all,
Now you are going to have a big read today so you might aswell get a coffee and sit back and enjoy!
So.....Day 53:
After spending the night camping on a beach we headed to Denham - it was the nearest town! Not really much of a town all it has is a museum and a petrol station was really nice though! We decided to spend our day on the beach doing some fishing so we brought some bait and food for lunch.
We then headed back to the beach - on the way we stopped off at Eagle Bluff where you apparently can see sharks and stingrays but we didn't see anything. Was still a really nice view! After this we drove back to our beach to attempt to fish!
After about 3 hours of us sat on the beach not catching anything the old couple who were parked up next to us told us there were no fish! How nice of them - we wondered when they kept looking at us oddly! We still enjoyed it!
After our poor attempt at fishing we spent the rest of the afternoon just relaxing. In the middle of the night we got woken up by terrential rain so thought it would be best to move our van off of the beach as we were fairly close to the sea.
Day 54:
In the morning we were greeted by the old couple again (Dave and Irene) they took ity on us in our poor little campervan with no hot water so they made us a cup of tea and some biscuits. After a chat with them about their travels around Australia Irene gave us a massive tub of sauasage, bean and pumpkin soup which was stunning!
After Matt had helped Dave put the boat on top of his truck we set off to Mokey Mia - so we could watch the dolphin feeding the next morning. We got to the campsite ad took a walk around. There really isn't alot here - the only reason people come here is to see the dolphins.
So as the weather was shocking we spent the evening playing cards and having a few drinks.
Day 55:
So we got up super early to go and wtahc the dolphins - apprantly they come to the beach every morning to get fed and have ben doing it for 30 years or something ridiculous like that.
It was really nice to see the dolphins up close - there were about 5 of them and they kept getting attacked by Pelicans which was funny. It was so crowded though so it was hard to get a decent spot so you could see anything.
After only half an hour of getting constantly pushed we decided we had seen enough dolphins and decided to head off to Carnarvon which was about 400k away. On the journey we saw lots of eagles and emu's was rather random. Apparently they get loads of wild emu's roaming around up north.
When we finally got to Carnarvon we stocked up on food and drink before heading to the blowholes. These were awesome it is basically like a cliff and as the waves crash against it water shoots up in the air as it is pushed through holes in the rocks. We have some really good pictures. Apprantly quite alot of people have died though as they get massive freak waves and as you drive in their is a big sign saying 'King Waves Kill'!
We parked up for the nigh and Matt decided to go for a snorkel - i was a wimp as it was bloody freezing! After about 10 minutes he was back though as the current was so strong and some swedish guy with a mazzive knife strapped to his leg told him there were hundreds of sharks in the reef!
Next stop was Coral read the next blog to find out more!
x x x x
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