Hiiiiii everybody, check out Coral Bay, it was just like in the pic, amazing.
Day 56:
Today we left the Blowholes which were awesome & we did get some pics of them up close. A bit risky but worth it.
So we went back to Carnarvon to stock up the cool box & refuel before the 150k drive to Coral Bay. It took us until lunchtime to get there, so we thought that the perfect excuse to test out the free beach bbq facilities. They cooked our steak & sausages very well!!
After lunch we went for a snorkel & as you can see from the pic, it is gorgeous. There are hundreds of different species of fish in the reef, some huge & some tiny but you could spend a whole lot of time out there looking for them all. Simply breath-taking in & out of the water.
We booked up to snorkel with the whale sharks tomorrow so stupidly excited about that, been waiting for a long time to do this so you can imagine!
Whe we set up camp in the local caravan park, we noticed 2 other Wicked campervans, one was 'The Rolling Stones' & the other was 'Chuck Norris'. We spent all afternoon & most of the evening chatting to Louise & Donal, an Irish couple living out of the Chuck Norris van. They were really cool, had seen a lot & Donal was a real joker, was a fun night. They booked up to dive with manta rays tomorrow, then the whale sharks in Exmouth the following day. We all had a few drinks to put us to sleep then called it a day.
Day 57:
The day of the whale sharks had arrived & I (Matt) had to cross my legs I was that excited. Until we got to the dive shop & the boat wasnt going to go out today because the waves were too big!! I was livid, always a funny sight, but we got a full refund & were on our way, downhearted it has to be said. We still had a night booked in Coral Bay so we spent the day fishing & Maud's Point, just round the headland.
Carly had a 30 seond struggle with something, before the line snapped taking the bait, hooks & sinker with it!! Closest we got all day to catching anything. Still a good day though, nice to chill out & it took our minds off the setback from this morning.
Weve planned to head to Exmouth in the morning to see if we can get on another tour up there, so fingers crossed it will all work out. Cooked a curry then bed!
To quote Forrest Gump; 'That's all I have to say about that.'
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