Mary's Travels
Today was a full day- I started out with a big breakfast thanks to my host family, but I took a bit too long to eat it so I had to run to catch the bus. I had my harder class first today, and it went well, not a ton to say I guess haha. After class my friend and I went to a boulangerie to grab a quick lunch before our next class. This is the class I skipped yesterday so I had fun meeting the new people. It's a much bigger class, probably at least 20 people, and I have the same teacher as my other class. I made friends with a girl from Switzerland, and we found out we were very similar, it was funny. This class was easier which was good for me since I started the day out a bit tired. After class I had some time before dinner so I went to the mall and bought some books (and no clothes- aren't you proud mom??). I had a crêpe in the mall- Nutella banana with a scoop of ice cream. The guy knew right away that I was English-speaking, and he asked me to repeat what I said cuz he thought it was funny and then he told everyone who was working that I was English. Maybe he didn't realize that I could understand French even though I was obviously going about the town by myself. I was a lot less Lille-sick today, but it was kinda nice to feel frustrated again by that guy. That's my France ;) not that I have time to talk to a lot of people outside of school and my family, but that was the first time someone switched to English on me- pretty good for being here three days and doing everything on my own. I came home for dinner after the mall and it was just Monsieur and me- Madame had a class at the gym. We had leftover soup, which was just as good as yesterday, some gratin which was basically puréed squash (I tried to make that earlier this semester but it was a complete fail so I was impressed at how delicious it was), some ham, some more regional cheese of course, and some pear cake. Everything was delicious as usual :) and I am full as heck as usual. After dinner I did some homework with Madame- she's taking a class in Italian and she had some work to do as well. After doing that it was well bed time so I'm hoping I can sleep enough to not be tired tomorrow!
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Mom So proud!