Mary's Travels
My stay in Lourdes was incredible. It was also my first trip completely by myself, which I think added to the reflective experience. My friend described Lourdes as the Disneyland for Catholics, and that it was. I got in midday, and quickly found out how cheap buses are. After visiting the tourist office, I checked into my hotel. It was right in between the tourist office and the grotto, and was exactly what I needed (and was even clean!). I took a shower both nights I felt so comfortable haha. I wasn't sure quite what to do for the day- I stayed up all night traveling again and I was pooped. I decided to get some dinner- local chicken it was so good!! Then I went to my room and realized it was earlier than I thought. It wasn't a cold day, so I decided to do the stations of the cross in the mountains. To get there though, I had to walk by the grotto area. I really felt like I was in Disney world. Wow it was so beautiful and cool and huge. So huge that I couldn't tell where the grotto was... Well I knew, but I didn't want to see it until tomorrow. I peeked around for a bit and took too many pictures (I have so many pictures from these two days). I found the path for the stations of the cross, and noticed a sign to watch out for pick pockets, but I didn't encounter a soul until I caught up to one guy at the 11th station. 6pm on a Wednesday in April was definitely the way to go. I had a really good experience, and quickly realized how lucky I was to be in Lourdes at this time with ************e there. I could tell how big the paths and facilities were- they must get thousands and thousands in the summer. But I was all by myself. Really cool. After the stations, I wandered around the shops a bit and learned that there was a procession at 9pm. Everyone was grabbing candles so I picked up one too and headed to the grotto. Although it was impromptu, the grotto was really cool for me to see... Exactly where Saint Bernadette had her apparitions of Mary. I got in the crowd and lit my candle, then an international rosary began. I have no idea how many languages were said, and it was cool because we all said it in our own language (I said it in French except for when the American spoke). Then at the end of each mystery, we sang the Salve Regina. Only a few people actually knew the verses in whatever language it happened to be, but everyone knew the Salve Regina part. At the refrain we raise our candles and sing together, it was really really cool. I'll never forget that. Afterwards I went to the grotto to pray, but as it was cold and I was so tired, I didn't know what to do besides sleep (I was trying to pass the time till 11pm Mass). So I started to fall asleep, right there in the grotto with a lit candle. Not the best idea, but I was fine, the candle only almost fell a few times. Then I decided to read my prayer book, putting my face over the tiny candle for a bit of warmth. I either out a little too much CO2 in there or took up too much oxygen, because before I knew it the whole thing went up in flames along with the collar of my coat. Luckily there were some nice French 9-year olds who helped me put it out, but not without getting ashes all over the lady next to me. Oops. Ya I was tired. Finally, finally Mass began, and it was really nice to be at French Mass again. There was adoration after, but I only stayed for a few minutes because I was afraid I'd do something dumb again from being so tired. So I finally left and went to bed. The next day I woke up kinda late, good and bad. I was trying to decide what to do, so I went to Saint Bernadette's house and toured around, really cool. Then I checked out where she was baptized and blessed myself with the water in the font. Then I took a bus to Lac de Lourdes, thinking some nature time would be good. It would be three hours till the next bus, but I decided I'd walk around then eat at a restaurant. I got there and started walking around, and met a very friendly guy before I had gotten too far. Being on my own, I thought him too friendly and so I sadly retreated back to the restaurant. I was really enjoying the sounds of nature, and the lack of city noise. Better safe than sorry though :( Luckily the restaurant was the best I've ever had, I got the most incredible vegetables and salad. I got wine to enjoy and it came with a dessert. I was blown away. Best French food I've ever had. I got a hot chocolate to wait out the bus, and finally it came. When I got back into town, I visited the Château Fort, a really cool military fort up on a hill in the middle of the city. That was really cool, I learned a lot about the history of the area and got the coolest pictures. Then I headed down and went to Mass at the lower church (there's literally three churches stacked on top of each other, along with surrounding chapels). Mass was really nice, although a little hard to hear. Then I explored some more, and went up to the grotto, that was really neat. Afterwards I filled up on some grotto water and headed back into town to see some last points of Bernadette's life. Before I knew it, it was time for the procession again, so I headed out and bought another candle. Oh I forgot to mention that this day was super rainy, so there were probably only a few hundred there, plus our candles didn't light until the end of the rosary. Still a good experience though. I prayed in the grotto one last time, then headed home to shower and pack.
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