I get an early start, good breakfast and pack a solid lunch as before i get on a 3 and a half day train i want to wear myself out and see some canadian forrest. The perfect destination - The Grouse Grimd! a Sea bus to Lonsdale Quay and bus takes me to Grouse mountain (the only local ski area accessible by Public Transport) and the beginning of the Grouse Grind, a 1000m climb of non-stop stairs. I meet two Scottish Canadian girls on the climb who talk non-stop the whole climb, im impressed as im breathing hard. Cloud and snow at the summit limit views but the lodge is beautifully cozy. I down climb on BCMC trail (ungroomed trail) and it rains most of the way. Fog has settled in at sea level when I finally reach the car park. The Seamus and bus take me across town to Camden Island where i walk the markets before heading back over the river to the hostel to get my bag. I catch a bus to Pacific Station (met very friendly Canadians waiting for bus) and board The Canadian 8:30 service from Vancouver to Toronto. Luco our cabin attendant welcomes us before it Champagne in entertainment car where I meet Alan & Ling (Vancouver - visiting family in Toronto), Amber & Fiona (Vancouver - holidaying to Jasper) and Wayne and Erica (vancouver - Musicians touring Canada while performing on train for fare). When return to our cabin it had been transformed by Luca to bunks for tonight's accommodation (great set up). By the time I head to bed we've passed through Mission, Agassiz, and Katz.
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