Wings collected us at 8am on the dot for our next adventure on the Oz experience. At first wings was non stop talking and refused to take the hint that both Sophie and myself are not the most talkative people in the morning however as soon he mentioned about stopping off for a good old fashioned Ozzy BBQ breakfast we all became the best of friends! We struck a deal with wings that he could choose the meat as long as he paid for it and we paid for the drinks and bread.... Breakfast was on and all sorts of animal meat was being fried!! Once we all finished our breakfast Wings challenged us to a new deal... He would wash up the plates as long as both Sophie and myself agreed to play a game that has killed more Australians than any other sport. Challenge accepted!! (for being cocky I was forced to have a beer whilst playing this deadly game). On our journey to this game, we were left in suspense guessing what sort of messed up game we had just signed up for!! When we rolled up to the games destination we were informed that the deadly game was in fact a game of bowls!! Apparently more elderly people die from heat stroke playing this game compared to any other sport! Sophie and I were not taking any chances so we slapped on our sun cream and headed to the battle ground!! I had whooped Sophie's ass at cards the previous night and she was still bitter so to keep the piece I let Sophie beat me at bowls (what a gentleman I am). We finished off the beers and headed to our next destination.
We arrived at Emu park and signed up for another BBQ (this was our 3rd BBQ in 2 days). We scoffed our faces and then went to investigate our new room. We was both amazed to learn that all the double rooms were taken up so we had to settle for a 8 person dorm. As you can guess Sophie was not impressed however she was still on a high from winning at bowls so agreed to stay in the dorm. We were informed we had to be up at 5.30 the next morning so decided to play cards (s***head) with Wings and have a few drinks (with our topdeck friends who were also going to the ranch (they show up everywhere!)) which may have gotten heavy when the chocolate rum came out.... The next morning we headed to Kroombit ranch.
On arrival we were greeted with another BBQ. After the BBQ the fun began, we all received a cowboy hat and bandanna and then was paired to a horse (Sophie on stormy the pony and me on the mighty Bob!) where we started our quest to find 300 goats and round them up cowboy style!! This only took 3 hours......who knew goats were so good at hiding? Once the goats were sent back home, all 25 of us jumped into the back of a pick up truck and headed to the goat rodeo where we took part in the competitions e.g. Catching goats and pretending to brand them! We also learnt how to lasso and finally to shoot a shotgun! I hit 3 targets and Sophie hit 1. We all then headed back to the bomb fire where I was tricked into eating some very tasty meat which I later discovered was goat!! Next on the agenda was to learn how to crack a whip properly, Sophie was surprisingly good at this..... Next thing we knew the barn music started and we were both dragged up to participate in some bush dancing. Sophies Zumba lessons helped her pick up the dancing extra fast!! A few beers later the rodeo bull was powered up and everyone took in turns to be thrown off. Once the bull had thrown me on my face we decided maybe it was time to sneak off and get a few valuable hours shut eye before we were dragged out of bed for the trip back to Emu park.
We are currently sat at Emu park and Sophie has cooked the worlds hottest chilli. Sophie was the first to give up eating the chilli however I finished my chilli but resulted in sweating everywhere and a nice runny nose!! I challenged a stranger to finish the left over chilli which he gladly accepted and shoveled the whole lot into his mouth in one go making it look easy. The stranger must have realised that he had shown me up so bought me a beer...... Another holiday friend to the add to the never ending holiday friend list!!
- comments
Sue Well done Sophie.I think you've held your own thru' this,a true girl! xxxxxx
Lois Lmao I love this blog looks really fun! So jealous have fun love lois xxx
Penny W It looks like you guys are having the time of your lives! so much fun!