Almost 4 months of chasing documents and waiting for the Government to assign a Case Officer - I FINALLY GOT IT! I have been officially granted a 457 Sponsored Visa which enables me to stay/work in this beautiful country until October 2015.
What does this mean for all the people at home? Quickly start saving money and plan your holidays - come visit me in one of the most amazing countries of the world! We'll switch to writing blogs in English as you are all capable to understand and this way my new mates here Down Under can read what is happening too.
So, what have I been up to the last few months since I returned from my visit to NL? As always, a lot! However, mainly working. Luckily I have great people around me and life is never boring in buzzing Surfers Paradise!
Some explanations with the pictures - see album 'Last months Down Under'
Done! Finished with my Master. That was my first goal when I got on the plane in 2012. I graduaded with an 'Award of Academic Excellence' which states that your results placed you in the top 5% of best students at Griffith - lovely! Additionally, I received an award for 'Highest overal result' for Strategic Management - I received the highest grade of our class!
Honestly guys, I am happy it is over! From full time work, back to full time studying was quite difficult every now and then as I wanted to make things happen/useful and not do projects for non-existing companies. It was mainly a LOT of work, I did not consider the level too difficult.
As I still know many people from Griffith, I am still a bit in the 'Student scene' as I still join the (themed) parties and things we organise together. We always have a great time as we have a group with awesome people! However, once again I will have to say goodbye to many of them at the end of this semester. That is something you have to deal with when you actually live here. It is always 'coming and going' - awesome to meet all those lovely people, but difficult to say goodbye again when you got pretty close in the months you spent together...
We went all dressed up to the Graduation Ceremony. That night was also Maike's goodbye - one of my besties the last year. We went to the Karoake Bar, good fun!
House Mates Victoria and Armin
It has been absolutely awesome to live with Victoria and Armin. We get along really well and do a lot together. We are all busy with Uni and work and often try to cook together, have a chill night and watch a movie or have a few drinks with friends.
Unfortunately, in less than 1 month we have to move out this apartment again. Victoria is considering to go to Brisbane and Armin is moving to Robina - I will definitely miss them! See pictures of the get togethers at our house and Armin's Birthday.
Dutchies in Australia
Our friend Amber moved with her entire family to the Gold Coast as her dad got a great job offer. We helped them move to an awesome house on Chevron Island (see pictures). Great to be able to speak Dutch every now and then. They also have a lovely new puppy now - Guusje! Every now and then I sneak in to cuddle with Guusje
I also met up with Carliene again - our Dutchie that fell in love with an Ozzie. She currently has her mom visiting - really nice for them! I am also looking forward to showing you guys what my 'new home' looks like. Who(m) will be the first to visit?
Of course we also have Dirk. It was his Birthday last month and with his mom we organised a surprise for him. He got a Harley Davidson for one day as he misses that so much. Celebrations were fun, see pics!
Not entirely Dutch (although Gerry is originally Dutch) I still love being with Gerry and Dianne. They welcomed me as family and although we are all busy, I truly appreciate spending time with them! We remember Gerry's son Brad, who I also got to meet when I was hear 7 years ago. Dianne is also always there for a hug, a good laugh and advice - thanks guys! xXx
7D Cinema
Back to full time working! In the beginning I had to get used to the new schedules of working in the shop as well. I truly enjoy it as I get to know the demands of our visitors better and this way we can improve service as well. I got to know my colleagues better and appreciate our product more. This is the BEST job for people with depression. You only watch people that are having heaps of fun in the simulator. Great to see them all come out with a big smile on their faces!
We also went to a Network Function organised by Gold Coast Tourism at Dreamworld. The Theme was 'Zombie' as they had a new attraction, see pics - very original! Those aspects of my job I love most: Networking and having a few drinks - pretty good at both of them
Other (crazy) things I did
Matey Tristan and I went to do a Skyclimb, climb up to 270m above sea level, that was scary! (Even funnier is when you consider Amsterdam Schiphol to be 7m below sea life - I could honestly say 'It went uphill for me' ) See website: I am a bit afraid of heights, but you have to face your fears in life in order to conquer the world!
It was really awesome! Afterwards I cooked 'Kip Madras' for him and Yoland. Yo is his girlfriend and my friend/Migration Agent. I owe her a lot as she had the patience to put up with all the chasing documents and frustrations around the Visa. I promised her I would be a lot nicer when I would have my Visa
Bonogin Vally Horse Retreats, another place I call 'my home'. Sanne (another lovely Dutchie, she will stay for 1 year) and me went to the Bonogin Fair to help Debbie & Mark and the BVHR team - it was great to see everyone again! I try to go down once a week to ride too.
It is important for all of us living here to remember every day how lucky we are! Many people pay a fortune to spend their holidays on the coast. Almost every day I wake up it is sunny. I go for my morning run on the beach.
All the people living a healthy lifestyle here also motivate you to work out. I might even get that desired summer body of I keep my training schedule up! Gym, Hot Yoga, Horsebackriding, Mountain Bike, running, Boxing - bring it on!
I should also do more with all those lovely places we have close! Dirk took me to Burleigh Heads where he used to live. Amazing view on Surfers from there.
Bart and me travelled up to Mooloolaba and Noosa. I can't place Bart in the 'Dutchies' section as he is Belgium - haha! We met 2 months ago and get together often. I am still trying to figure out what he is saying in 'Vlaams' and as we are not afraid to tell each other that we disagree, it is quite interesting to discuss in Dutch/Vlaams. He is also working on his Visa in order to stay here. Great to meet more people that are not leaving after one semester.
News from the Netherlands
I became an Auntie! Annie & Erwin had their lovely baby boy 'Noah' and Marloes & Mark had their lovely baby boy 'Sepp' - see cute pictures. Congratulations guys! I wished I could be there to give you a big hug, I am SO proud of you!!
My dad and his race partner became champions of the Dutch Golf Race 2013 Cup - so proud of them!! This was the biggest victory of all for dad. Not so much to beat cancer, but to get his life back on track. Yesterday he proved, with the support of all our family/friends and his race mate Jan, that he still has what it takes - GO dad!!
So much for today dear all! Please keep me posted on what is happening on the other side of the world.
Big hug from Surfers Paradise!
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