I am sitting on the balcony at City Lodge Port Villa (nice and cheap). The picture shows the typical clouds that have plaiged our stay in Vanuatu and Port Villa city center with the beach and resorts far right.
We feel like travellers that have come out of the wilderness. Here families on two week holidays from Australia and New Zealand walk up and down the streets looking for things (they do not know what) to buy.
The first thing I did in Port Villa was to buy an egg sandwich at the airport even before I picked up our bags. Incidently that was exactly what everyone else from Ambrym did as well. Liz turned round to see a French girl stuffing her face with a large chocolate cake (both laught without saying anything).
The first thing we looked up on the Internet was kilograms to pounds conversion (we were weighed before getting on the plane). Liz had lost 8 pounds in 10 days, and myself slightly less. We are now the slimest we have been on the trip so far.
The last couple of blogs have been a bit dark and depressing (sorry for that) but I am a bit ill. Vanuatu is a very beautiful country with some of the most interesting and welcoming people anywhere.
When travelling difficult places you have to take the rough with the smooth. Being stuck on Ambrym was looking back on it the best thing that could have happened to us. Before we left, a large number of the village came to say goodbye. John looked emotional and sad to see us go. Port Villa is comfortable but boring on comparison.
Liz had been eaten alive by the end - 70 bites on one side before loosing count the full total will run into possibly hundreds of bites (you can see why it was good and bad at the same time).
We bumped into the Aussies that were delayed by the same plane before going to Ambrym (they went to the banks islands). They were pleased that we had some real experiences - and said that you will remember that the rest of your life. He was explaining to me earlier that the best experiences he's had was being stuck in various places in the world.
The sun is coming out - feeling better already.
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