Mark & Den's Travels
Wed 19th-20th April Fraser Island Wow!! What a wonder of the world this was. Largest sand Island in the world claiming world heritage site and boasting its own Rain Forest. Coming alive millions of years ago when it washed away from the east coast of Australia, The inhabitants of the Island came over with the building of the sand Island including the oldest Aboriginals in Aus. We started our trip with breakfast at the barge launcing beach Inskip point. once over we travelled up the east coast to our first drop off point over the Sand blows and across the desert to find Lake Wabby fresh water Lake lovely & Warm, lovely & safe for all in our group Mark goes off to find the locals Sharkfinned Catfish, What an amazing size but of course they can be with no predators to worry about. Its still a mystery how these got here before man maybe ??
Once cooled off back on the bus to Eli creek fresh water creek form rainforest we stroll up to the source and wade ourselves back through ice cold waters however so were hundreds more spoilt it really but that what happens in a package, next stop The Mehano Luxury Liner grounded in 1935 aafter being used as hospital ship during W1 refurbished and sent out only to be grounded on her first voyage..
Back on the bus to reach the most Northern Part of the Island where we could sit and feel the breeze of the Pacific Ocean against your skin no crowds up here. spotted little turtle surfacing for air Everyone is fixed out into the blue now the Whales are starting to Migrate. Everyone wants the first viewing. Back to our Lovely resort after very long dusty day!! The Rooms are gorgeous and we have a BED with White LINEN and our own Shower oh what luxury mmh!! nice buffet style supper and off to bar for bit of Kaeroke Mark does his turn and gets around of applause thats not bad concidering they were mostly youngsters who thought the oldie wouldnt be any good Well done Mark!! we have a walk along the beach hoping to spot a dingo not to be however another young couple did who were cuddling in the sand as you do when you are young and the guy gets his feet licked not by the girl but by a DINGO!! Ruined moment eh!!
Day 2 feeling little hung over we move out to the Rain forest up the East Spine of the Island we are bouncing around in the truck but great to see the real core of the Island, We stop to view Satany Tree the oldest tree here, we take a walk past the central station which used to be loggers village up to 1970 they managed to destroy most of the forest before appreciating what they had. Here we found the KING FERN it can only be found here and in PAPAU New Geunia. It will only grows in the purest of waters, On through the forest we arrive at Lake McKenzie WOW you have to stop and view this it is so beautiful it brings a lump to your throat. Pure white sand crystal clear water and not tooo cold !! We take lunch here, we have to sit in a pen fenced off so that dingoes can not get in big sign every where saying if you feed a dingo you have signed his death warrant!! People are so crazy sometimes just leave nature to survive on its own!! Marks highlight of the day whilst in the pen a guana strolled by Mark's up and taking photos then theres 2 then 3 they are just amazing creatures and dont want our food of any kind so they dont have a problem mixing with the humans.
Next Stop Whit Sundays!!
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