Mark & Den's Travels
27th March We are going to spend a week with an old school friend I met up with earlier this year in the UK, Maureen Opened her home to us and made us very welcome, Maureen & Ray (he's an aus) have lovely family all who came to visit whilst we were there. Ray is famous for his hot rod cars which he self builds last one took him 11yrs worth seeing (see photo)Whilst in the mountains we took the opportunity to do the area as you would.. Our first visit was to an Old gold mining town of Sofala the locals and the homesteads had not moved on since the 1900 when the gold dried up, ZIG ZAG Railway @ Lithgow was an old steam train still running for short runs through the mountains connecting to main line stations, Unfortunatley we didnt get the chance for the steam but we did have 1960's diesel loco which was just as much fun. We were lucky to have spent the day with Maureens brother Malcolm who took time off work to come over and see us Thanks Malc!! The track zigzagged down the mountain the driver giving us a commentary all the way and some beautiful photo opportunities, finishing at the marshalling, repair yard, which gave mark the opportunity to investigate the working of the engines as any engineer would. Into the body of the mountain we took the skyway across ravine about 1600ft down the floor was transparent so gave you great rush and we viewed the sights below, over the otherside quite safely we go off to view the three sisters the hightlight of the area. There is a story from the aboriginals why the girls were turned to stone but it would take too long those interested can ask later, A thousand steps to the bottom of the ravine gave us spectacular views of the sisters from every angle..back along through the forest to the cable car which takes us back to the top on the other side a coffee and breath back stop then we are off on the miners train this is a replica of how the miners used to descend in their carts,, well I make everyone wait cause I want to be in the front car mmh Their still a kid in their somewhere!! we go over the top its like the Pepsi Max in slow motion, great adventure very tired home for some tlc. our evenings were spent with the family normally included a bin fire (see photo's) plenty of drinks and food Mark and Ray would spend the evenings translating Aussie slang to English slang and back again Ray is now quite a competant POM !!!
I take an afternoon out to do some horse riding cant miss it in a place like this, and so lucky it was only me and the guide so I had a 1-2-1 ride after a few years off the back, we rode through real dense forest my little fellow was minty only a little pony but he could move.
We were often entertained by the locals a brownie who tried to eat a lizard, possums who come to sit at the fire, parrots who sits on the bench for seeds and of course the wallabie who wasnt to keen to get too close.Their hospitality didnt stop there we went to visit their special friends Melinda & Darren (see photo) their family extends to Rosie the Kangeroo, Elle the Lamb, Harry the horse + another 7, 3 dogs and about 6 donkeys and a goat cant remember your name sorry!!
We spend our last day with these guys in the mountians opposite their home called Mt Oven we viewed Maureens and rays home from the otherside with binno's what a amazing place you could go fishing or swimming in the local reservior. Finished by a play lunch which included a few more beers!! We have had brilliant time with you guys Hope to see Ray in the UK very soon.
03rd May We are now off to Cessnock Hunter Valley for a little wine tasting, we jump on a bus that takes you around the vineyards so no worries of drink driving issues god they are hot out here they test regularly especially around this are you would be crazy to drive, we sip alittle of th grape juice in may of the cellar doors eventually after so many glasses Mark buys a nice red for his birthday and I buy a dry white just because I can!! we now need food so we visit a cheese factory they are so good you can keep tasting until you have soaked up the wine, mmh mark ask the price of an excellent blue $43 dollars for small pot I dont think so!! Only 2 days here that plenty expensive place even to camp!! off now to Port Mcquire, out on the boogie board in the surf Mark is getting really good at his dolphins just a short way from us you almost get complacement with them (never they are amazing creatures, its almost like they come into play.
07th May we are now in Coffs Harbour first visit is to the Koala Sanctuary oh there are so many sick or orphaned babies you want to look after them all. most have been rescued from Bush fires when they feel the heat they climb higher up the trees they never actually try and leave so their survival rate is very small.
8th May Byron Bay well this is the place to be if you are an old hippie who just wants to hang onto the 60's . There is a blues festival on here soon so many people arriving and the prices are soaring, booked dive for Julian Bay!! took a walk around the lighthouse yet another heritage site but beautiful views of the bay with dolphins by the dozen and we had the great chance to see a Guana they are about 3ft in length and dont want to be near any humans so are scarcely seen during the day well he was on a beach just basking in the sun. Brill opportunity!! First dive was booked for Marks birthday but cancelled due to bad winds and high tides which make launching of the boat impossible, OK we have to stay for another day mmh shame. Tuesday its a go!! out on the rib after usual briefing only 6 of us diving Oh so glad we waited for this we saw our first Tattersalled Wobbegong he is amazing about 2mtrs in size but very docile we stop to view as you do and then we see another one and another one about 6/7 altogether, we get sited by the local Blue Wrasse (monty) he comes to say hello to all diver local to the marine park he is just like nimop with only one fin!! brilliant dive first one in aus saving our pennies for the reef later..
Its now Easter and Bryon Bay is packed we escape to National Park (Lamington) This is probably the best park so far some serious tramping across creeks and behind waterfalls,
Our camp site is very basic with just a loo mmh no showers for at least 3 days,The walks were around 20 25K taking about 5/6 hrs walking not the distance to worry about its the terrain.The drive up the mountain is hairpin bends all the way Kangeroos wallabies on a suicide mission The rainforest is amazing, Great big trees thousands of years old, the humidity in there makes you steam as soon as you start. We have our first pit fire in the evening everyone around us are very helpful with the newbie poms they provide us with an axe and fire lighters to get us going. we meet up with our first wild turkeys on the site they are a pain into everything worse than the Possums. one morning a turkey took a carrier bag from under our tent Mark is outside chasing him and its only 05:30!!
We are told to visit ST Bernards Pub at the top of Tamborine mountain, here we meet up with 2 ex pat been here for 30yrs so quite established after a good lunch time session we get invited back to theirs for the night, Now hardened travellers we do not turn down opportunities like this. Gerrard and Kath makes us very welcome feed water and shower and of course a lovely bed for the night.
18th April We are now at Rainbow Beach off to Fraser Island Tomorrow Watch this Space!!!
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