3rd 10th Sept Beijing
Our firt night was spent in absoloute luxury. We treated ourselves to 4* hotel with all the trimings and even breakfast in bed. only one night then back to reality a hostel in the town.
well Beijing was a major shock so many people, pollution and noise makes the hair stand up on your neck.
Once we found our way around it was only getting better Tinamen Square was just a big concrete expanse. we did visit Chairman Mao Memorial hall. We joined the queue of many and paraded in silence past himself laying in state.Next the Forbidden City which was just across the way. Although we couldnt get to see lots because the city is being prepared for the Olympics 2008 most of the city was behind scaffolding.. Still being charged crazy entrance prices which was a little annoying.. The great hall for people their equvilant of our Parliment house was open for tourist which was worth a view.. Needing some fresh air we book on a trip to Samatai Great Wall and the Summer Palace. MMh We end up on a trip to Badaling instead visting on the way Jade factory, natural medicine hospital and Ming Tombs. Well the day only got worse arriving at Badaling Our guide informing us we were put on this trip because there was no one else going to Samatai I know that is why we wanted to go there!!! Well Badaling was just awful packed with turist y te thousand very hot day everyone pushing and shoving. We did try and get away from the crowds off down part of the wall which was very steep so most people didnt venture down.. Ahh we stop and breath and enjoy the beauty of what was before us.. Back to the crowds and buses to end a horrible day..
Just cant wait to get out of here Next Stop Xi An
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