So, poo.
I am working with an organisation called the Clean Team. They are a collaboration between Unilever and WSUP (Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor). The idea is that households sign up for a regular waste collection service and receive a branded toilet designed by Unilever. This toilet, called the Uniloo, is a portable toilet like one you would use at festivals with a cartridge in it that contains chemicals that stop the waste from smelling and to keep the toilet hygienic. The cartridge is collected 2 or 3 times a week and a new cartridge brought. It's a simple idea and is actually unusual in that they are selling a service not a product. Most people sell an expensive toilet that requires a lot of upfront cash, but the clean team sell a regular service. They have been testing this for the last year and have 100 customers and they are about to add 200 more with the aim of reaching 1000 by the end of the year.
i'm here to look for cheaper alternatives and there are 2 big questions I need to answer. Will people accept a cheaper system and can it be made economically sustainable. For the answers to this read my thesis!
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