For an exchange student I feel as though making friends was really easy. When I got off the train my host mother and brother were there but they also brought a family friend with them because they don't speak english. Her name is Camino, she's my age and we pretty much became friends instantly. One of her first questions was if I surfed, I said I had before and so now we're making plans to up to San Sebastian one weekend and surf! She also told me that she and her friends sometimes like to ride their bikes to take pictures of the sunset or go hiking, both of which are activities I would really enjoy and it felt good to get invitations before I had even arrived at home. Every time I hang out with Camino I find we have even more in common and I'm so grateful to my host family for introducing me to her.
Once we arrived at the house we went for a walk. Camino has a friend who lives across the street from me names Susanna and we went to walk around Mutilva for a bit. There was the San Fermin Mutilva festival going on so we went to see the big beginning of it. Both Camino and Susanna are taking nursing at the private university.
The next night Camino and I walked through Pamplona. We met up with Paloma, Camino's cousin. Paloma goes to my school and is actually in my class. We also have a lot in common and she's been a great help. The next day I had school so the fact that I knew someone was very reassuring. Right from the start everyone introduced themselves to me and there is about twelve girls that hang out together, all of whom I really enjoy being with.
I also have met Marina who is my cousin here I guess. She's my age and is part of Camino's group of friends. I've met a lot of people and sort of have two groups of friends: school friends and friends at the university. I like this because it's very similar to my friend situation back home. I've been invited to go out with both groups and am excited to meet more people!
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