Glad to see you made it through, a little faster than I had thought, so where to in Greece, and I'll try to catch up with you.
Glad to hear that you are alive...trying to come up with something sarcastic but too tired to think about it. Looking forward to hear about Albania.
Marcus Taylor
I am alive! I made it through Albania! Blog entry to come soon
The folks across the pond have had us beaten if firefighting tactics since the Second World War. They have smaller, faster, lighter apparatus with higher pressure pumps and better safety systems in place than over here. We have to WORK to put out a fire, they just put it out!
I like the sea organ, the wave action making the sound through the stone is cool!!!
Let's try SKYPE - takes a minute to download and then can talk on the computer anywhere FREE. Just have to let us know when done and the name you are using then we can talk and no more lonely Marcus!!!
Love, MOM
PS. did you ever give you motorbike a name??
Sorry that one got away from me, anyway, there is also apartments konak 50 meters away from the famous bridge for 16eu, the other 2 are 10-12 eu
You may want to head North to Mostar, a city nestled in the mountains, looks kinda cool, lotsa hostels, Madjas rooms & Hostel Miran are top rated, with
I Know you find that walled cities are getting old, but I really find them fascinating, and I could probably spend a week in Debrovnik, getting someone to show me inside and below the walls
Marcus Taylor
Ahhh Peanut butter and honey...can't find my skippy anywhere! Glad this sight has been a positive influence on atleast one person!
Just so as you know, you now have Steve (one of the guys at work) hooked on peanutbutter and honey.
Hello Marcus!
we're reading your site with big interest... (you have groovy writing style).. wish you lots of nice experiences.. and looks like you'll have sunny company coming...