Well, Marcus I do not supose you go rock climbing again, especially with you lunch on your back!! Am certainly glad you survived to tell the tale and don't forget to use the juice from an aloe leaf to clean and heal you wounds - OUCH!!
Great photographs - how did you manage to take those in such a situation!!
Continue having fun and please do not leave us so long in between blogs.
HI! Jonathon!!
Marcus Taylor
I was wondering when someone would notice. Couchsurfing is great, but just too difficult with my never know where or when I will be in the next place itinerary. Works if you are planning in advance, but just to challenging to arrange.
Thanks everyone for the notes, this board is the first thing I look at when I get an internet connection.
I can't wait to see what your Mum says about that one lol prettttty crazy stuff... glad you're well and enjoying everything still. No more couchsurfing.com?
Do you see the ASS on that one?
I guess Scicily has no WIFI - THAT"S Mafia homeland - but surely you didn't spend three days in Scicily?
Looking forward to hearing all about it and you left us half way with your adventures since Rome! So should be a long one or two or three this time!
OK dude it's time to update again, we all standing by.
Q. What does FIAT stand for? A. Frenzied Italian At Traffic-lights.
What are your plans for the summer? have any idea where you will be May- August? Jennifer and I are thinking about vacation destinations and are thinking Europe. Obviously, we would want to be where you are. Let me know.
Well, THAT was a big disappointment - I thought Rome and the Vatican would have been one of the highlights!! So , so SORRY!
But still lots of nice places in Italy to go and maybe make up for it. With all the bnuild up I had thought it would have been really exciting and moving at the same time!!
Never mind, eh?
The Tattooed Bandit
By the way, the Chargers beat the Colts and the Giants bumped off the Cowboys, so the Championship games next week are Pats vs Chargers and GB vs Giants. I'll let you know how it goes!
The Tattooed Bandit
I haven't been on here in awhile but I just spent half the night looking through all these photos. Wow. I envy your adventure old friend, but I miss you too, so we need to figure out when I'm coming over there to meet you. I could use a mini-adventure myself!