ok paris it is for new years.....i will arrive the 28th of dec and stay until the 3rd or 4th......iris will be there too which will make it more fun......good luck and i cant wait to hear all about your first journeys....
John & Hilda Macbride (Uncle John & Aunt Hilda)
Hi from Lambeg Northern Ireland. (An accountants answer to the "Solve this sum" would be "What would you like the answer to be"). Looks like you all enjoyed the sale and farewells! Starting to panic here as to what will you want to see and do! Trying to devise some sort of plan of action i.e. short trips in the afternoons, visits to various social events and places with us in the evenings and longer trips around N Ireland eg to the Giant's Causeway, at the weekends. Hilda will pick you up Friday morning. Looking forward to comparing notes.
I had almost as much fun working the Saturday sale as I did the Friday night party! I'm going to plan a trip in March or April to come find you and hang out for a week or two. With any luck I'll bring a bunch of our friends with me. And though you're moving far away, be comforted as I am to know that Brents is actually moving much closer to me! LOL I think he and Kendall will be all of two minutes from the condo. Happy travels and we all look forward to cyber-joining you on your physical and spiritual journey.
BY THE WAY...........
I have never in my life been to such a nice yard/moving sale EVER!!! You two know how to do it up! What a great party!! After the many "Maybank Oyster Parties" that I have attended, I should have known better!
Wow!!!! I just looked through all of your amzing pictures....What a journey you have already had! I am so happy that you are following this call and I pray that you will find your time in Europe to be everything you dreamed of and more. You be safe my friend....You will be in my prayers daily! Love you.
All I can say is "Wow!" Way to go at listening to your calling and your heart and actually putting it into action. The Cooks will be praying for your safety and know that you will have a very memorable experience.
When you get to the white cliffs of Dover-don't fall off
Valerie Ziebron
Go Marcus Go!!!! What an amazing adventure that will change the rest of your life. I am a firm beliver in the importance of taking breaks from life and listening to what God has in mind for you so that you spend your time here on Earth doing the most fulfilling work of all - His will! He has a perfect plan for you so go find it... and know that you have so much support back here state side. I was SOOO impressed with the e-mail that Barrier sent out wishing you well and thanking you for your efforts...I want to mention that in some of my training this year since so many managers still have the 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' mentality. So see, you are still helping the marine industry from over there! Be safe and know that thoughts and prayers are following you.
Brents Lee
"Oh the Places you will go!" Good luck brother and god speed.