Hi Lil bro!Sorry I haven't left a message in a while. Those math questions to authenticate are getting harder! LOL. Anyway...been a little preoccupied...went to Arizona to meet Rachelle's parent's...they were great and we've had a lot of fun. Rachelle will be moving here in April so will be helping her get moved...any Taylor boyz within 200 miles will be welcomed with open arms and all the pizza they can eat to help unload 1 rental truck. Oh and there has also been a bit of a bother with the mortgage crash and foreclosure rates sky rocketing and all the fall out from that here in the states that has kept me tied up a bit. I must admit I have been playing catch up and you cover ground so quick I just got thru Transylvania...LOL. So what happened to stopping and working in a boat yard for a while and all? At this rate you'll be home by the end of May! I love you Bro! Tim
Meme (& Bo, Too)
You are really moving along! We can't wait till you're back in Chasn. Enjoy the ride!We had a great time in the Galapagos. Will share pics later. Miss you lots. Love, Meme & Bo
Amy J
Hi Marcus!
Sorry that I have been out of touch...You never know how much time a baby takes until you have one....WOO WEE....I can't believe all of the amazing things that you have done..WOW!!! I am thinking that you are so ahead of the schedule that you will be back way before Brents' big day....What you have done in a few short months, 2,000 people couldn't in 5 lifetimes! I continue to pray for you and I am so proud of all of your travels. Thank you so much for taking so much time to journal in such a detailed fashion so that we can feel like we are all there too! Much love! Amy
Don't miss getting a REAL Belgian Waffle - hot with syrup and cream!!!
Did you find out what the ' not feel good' part of Denmark was?
Great Blog & photographs- Thank you - you made my day!! love - MOM
Marcus Taylor
Thanks for all the messages guys. For a while there I thought my mother was the only one looking at this thing!!! This board is the first thing I check as soon as I get internet. keep em coming!
We miss you Marcus! We really enjoyed our week with you! It's very quiet around here now. sob sob. Akemi says hello and don't forget to take the scenic motorbike route in Switzerland! Tschus!
And Brents is still looking folks!!! Marcus, With all your navigational skills can you please give the boy some hints and handy suggestions!
Me again
Did you check into the underground tours in Berlin?
Hey Bro
CZ might have been a lot cooler had the sun been out a little, amazing what a little sunshine can do for a place.
Love ya
Hey Marcus,
Sorry, I completely got lost in space and time, you know my schedule, I`m always behind. But I read your blog about Budapest, and I`m glad you liked it! I told you to let me know if you were there, i could have arranged some accomodation for you!
Well, I hope you come to Brighton again at some point, so you can surf my couch again.
Take care
Hey Marcus
So which friend was it? What was their name, do you remember?
I've been to Bamberg! It's beautiful, very old, there's a great big church/cathedral I was taken to see while on an exchange with a girl from Schwebfurt near Schweinfurt. Can't say there's much to see there but Bamberg was great.
Her parents were lovely and I got to like sparkling mineral water while I was there because that's all they drank! They didn't drink the tap water. She was emmm not the best person I've met, let's say. I got on better with her boyfriend, parents and classmates, everyone else in fact! Oh and we went to her school on her scooter every day, which is the closest I've got to riding a motorbike in Germany!
Have fun!
Hey Bro
Jordan my young friend from church will be glad you've slowed down a little, he and his parents have been following your breakneck run through europe, and he was worried he wouldn't be back in time.