Lovely phorographs - how do we see them as we did for your Europe trip when you brought them up to full size then they went up without touching them and in spots were like a movie??
Dude looks fantastic, PS do they have spell check on the blog? LOL.
Safe trip
love ya bro
sounds woderful. Is the water as blue and clear as in the photographs?
Have fynr should say continue to have fun!!!
Great minds think alike Brents...only 6wks of a difference! Hope you're well Marcus. More pics! Or more travels?
Thought I would add a message since nobody has in well over a year. We need to kidnap Bo's Folly and go out.
Hi Marcus.
Good to see you back in town (for awhile!) Your travels are inspirational. A lot of fun looking at the pics, reading the blogs. Thanks for sharing!
Lib Skelley
You are awesome! We missed you last weekend and talked a lot about you and your trip. When flying downwind at 13.8 knots we all said, "wish Marcus was here to see this!" Be safe and see you soon. Lib
Kevin Mink
Your trips always sound amazing!! Have fun and be safe!!
Glad to see your still alive and well, great pics as always. Jealous as hell